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Jessica was now in her seventh month. Her pregnancy was so far going smoothly and life went on as normal.

Jessica still hadn't seen Emily but would get updates from Evan and Phil on how she was doing.

Emily was still grieving for her lose, but she was slowly getting her life back. However, she still wasn't ready to see Jessica yet.

She did hear about Jessica and Evan having a baby girl. She was so happy for them but, her heartbreak kept her for reaching out to give them her congratulations.

Jessica was glad for Emily's progress and tried not to feel hurt about Emily not wanting her around.

So, in order for Evan to still spend time with his sister, Jessica would tell him it was okay for him to visit without her.

At first, Evan didn't want to go without Jessica but he was missing his sister. So, he would go over on Sunday's and have dinner with his father, sister and brother in law.

Today was Sunday and since Evan was at Emily's, Jessica was over at Sarah's.

Lily was currently upstairs grading papers. She was an elementary school teacher and she was grading this week's of work.

Sarah and Jessica sat in the living room drinking a cup of tea.

Jessica noticed that Sarah was a bit off. She put down her cup of tea and asked. "Sarah...are you okay?"

Sarah sighed sadly. "Well...no." She said, tears sprung to her eyes. "Lily and I...we began discussing about us having a baby."
"Oh, Sarah! That's wonderful." Jessica said with a smile. Then her smile faltered. "Wait, what's going on?"

Sarah's tears rolled down her cheeks. "We didn't want to tell anyone yet, but we had started our journey to have a baby over a year ago. Lily and I talked and we agreed that she would carry our baby. But...we have been through three rounds of IVF and each pregnancy test came back negative."

Jessica had tears rolling down her cheeks and her heart broke her best friend.

"Lily is tired of having to go through IVF. It's been tough on her. So, I suggested that I carry our first baby. We had planned to have two kids together." Sarah got even more emotional. "Two days ago, I got my results back to see if I was able to get pregnant, and...oh, Jess....the results said, that I can't ever carry a baby! I can't ever get pregnant!"

Sarah sobbed and Jessica rushed over to Sarah's side. She hugged Sarah tightly and cried with her.

"Oh, Sarah, I am so so sorry to hear that. My heart hurts for you and Lily." Jessica said.

Sarah pulled away and said. "Thanks...I know that there is still a possibility that Lily will get pregnant. Also, we can always adopt. But, the fact is that I can never ever get pregnant! That option was taken away from me."

"I'm so sorry." Jessica said sadly. "I wish there was some way I could help."
Sarah smiled sadly and said. "You being here for me is all the help I need. Thank you."
"Of course. You are like a sister to me and I'll always be here for you." Jessica said with a smile.
"I love you, Jess." Sarah said.
"I love you too, Sarah." Jessica replied with a warm smile on her face.

The two best friends hold each for a moment longer then they go back to talking casually and wait for Lily to finish her work.

Across town, Max was out who knows where and Emma of course was waiting for him to come home.

In the months that past, Emma had quit going to school because Max was so persuasive for her to quit.

Emma did beg Max to let her stay working at the bookstore. After much convincing, Max allowed Emma to stay.

Emma was so happy when max gave her the okay. The bookstore was her get away where she was able to be free.

Emma sat on her bed nervously waiting for the minutes to tick by. She could hear the ticking of the clock that was hanging on the wall. To her, it sounded like a freight train.

She just sat there thinking of nothing but her worries.

After a while, she sighed heavily and looked at the clock.

Emma took a deep breath and stood up from the bed. She then walked into the bathroom then over to the sink.

She picked up an object, took a deep breath and looked down.

Tears appeared in her eyes and they quickly rolled down her cheeks.

"No! No, this can't be happening." She sobbed.

Her fears had just come true. Two pink lines from the pregnancy test stared right up at her.

She slumped down to the floor and sobbed.

This was not in her plans for her future. None of her situation was what she planned, but pregnancy wasn't what she wanted for a very long time and most certainly not with Max.

In that moment, Emma felt lost, sad and most of all, hopeless.

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