Sweet Girl

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It was now Monday morning, October 12th. The time was 3 am and Jessica couldn't sleep. She carefully gets out of bed to not wake Evan up.

Lola picks her head up and stands when she sees Jessica heading towards the bedroom door. Lola has been restless as well. It was as she could sense that Jessica was close to giving birth.

Lola follows Jessica down the stairs and into the kitchen.

Jessica decides to make a cup of tea. She puts the teapot on the stove to heat the water.

She then gets a cup and her favorite tea from the cabinet. She puts the tea bag inside the cup and waits till the water boils.

Jessica sits at the kitchen table, her hands cradling her belly. The baby's kicks were gentle.

Jessica then tenses up as a contraction creeps up on her. She breathes through the contraction. Lola whined a little as she watched Jessica.

So far, the contractions had stayed at 15 minutes apart. Jessica has now been in labor for 12 hours. Maybe more.

Once the contraction passed, Lola laid her head on Jessica's lap. Jessica patted Lola's head and said. "Your baby sister is almost here, Lola! Are you excited?"

Lola raised her head a little and wagged her tail. Her tongue hung out and she barked once before laying her head back on Jessica's lap.

"I'll take that as a yes." Jessica said with chuckle.

Jessica stayed in the kitchen for a while as she drank her tea. By the time Jessica finished her tea, she stared at the clock that was hanging on the wall in the kitchen.

It was now 4:30 am and it seemed that the contractions were changing. It had been ten minutes since the last contraction.

She didn't want to wake Evan up until she knew this was it. She decided to keep a close eye on them and if they were consistent, then she would wake Evan up to head to the hospital.

Also, another change she noticed that this recent contraction lasted a bit longer than they have been before.

Jessica moved to the living room to lay on the couch and watch some tv. She flipped through a few channels before finding a show to watch.

Jessica some how managed to fall asleep for a while. Lola laid on the floor beside her and kept watch over her.

At 6:30 am, Jessica woke up and with some struggle, she sat up. She was in the middle of a contraction. Lola right by her side.

"Ooohh!!!! Wow..." she said in between breaths. "This...this hurts!"

Once the contraction passed, Jessica sighed and wiped the tears away that had appeared.

Jessica looked at Lola and said. "That was intense. Oh, Lola...I...I'm so scared." Tears appeared once again and they rolled down her cheeks.

Lola whined and got closer to Jessica.

"This one is hurt so bad. This is a type of pain I've never experienced before." Jessica went on. "Earlier, the contractions were...were sort of bearable. Now...now I know they are just going to keep getting more and more painful."

She knew Lola did not understand what she was saying. But it helped Jessica talk through her feelings and fear. Lola just looked at Jessica intently as if she were actually listening.

Jessica couldn't help but chuckle at Lola. She wiped away her tears again and said. "Thank you for listening, my sweet sweet girl."

Lola licked Jessica's face and Jessica ran her hand through Lola's fur.

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