Figure Out Part 1

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Jessica ignored Evan and his light snores when she walked into her bedroom. She walked over to her dresser and grabbed some clean clothes then walked into the bathroom.

She undressed then turned on the water. She got the water to a temperature she liked then walked into the shower.

As the warm water came down into her body, she let out a sigh of content. The water felt nice and she stayed in the shower longer than usual.

As she showered, it felt like the water was washing away all the negative feelings she had.

Back in the bedroom, Evan stirred and stretched. He sat up slowly and rubbed his eyes.

He then heard the water running in the bathroom. He figured Victoria was napping and Jessica was taking a shower.

He stood up from bed and stretched. He was wearing pajama pants so he grabbed a t-shirt and pulled it on. He decided to go to the kitchen for a glass of water.

As he walked downstairs, he heard his father voice.

"When I saw your grandma Julie walking down the aisle towards me, my heart fluttered with happiness. Also, the butterflies in my tummy were going crazy." Phil said as he looked down at Victoria. Victoria was wide awake and was staring up at Phil, cooing once in a while.

Evan stopped walking down the stairs and listened to what his father was saying.

"She was so so beautiful. I'll show you pictures of her when you're older. I was so happy to have married her." Phil went on. "I was the luckiest man on earth. I still am, but she is the missing piece in my life, it's hard most days to get out of bed. But your dad, aunt Emily and now you, are what is helping me go on. Wow! Just holding you now is just so amazing. I never thought your daddy would get married or have children. But I am so happy that things worked out for him. Although it seems your daddy is going through something. We need to figure out what it is. Yes we do!" he said the last part in a baby voice.

Throughout Phil's one sided conversation with Victoria, Evan would smile then his heart would ache thinking of his mother and how much he missed her. Then he was now thinking of how much he was messing up. He knew he was, but he felt he was doing the right thing.

Evan sighed then he walked towards the sofa. "Hey dad." he said as he sat beside his father.

"Hey son, you're up!" Phil said. "It's nice to have you join us."

Phil then gets a better hold on Victoria and looks at Evan. "Evan, what is going on? Jessica told me you've been sleeping all day and you haven't been helping out with Victoria. Also, the house was messy. Jessica has been doing everything on her own. She cleaned the house while Victoria was napping. Son, shes supposed to be sleeping too when the baby sleeps. Hank also called me and told me you haven't been going to work. I've bailed you out and told him you're still adjusting to fatherhood and I managed to get him to give another two weeks off. So you get to keep that job. Next time Evan, you're on your own. I'm not always going to be there to help you out. Understood?"

Evan looked at the ground in shame. Phil felt bad for being so hard on Evan but he knew Evan was an adult now with a family. He needed to have some tough love once in a while.

"Thanks dad." Evan said as he looked up at his father. "I just...I just feel so overwhelmed, dad. I...I don't know." he shrugged his shoulders while wringing his hands.

"You can talk me." Phil said. "Why haven't been taking care of Victoria and helping Jessica?"

"I...I...." Evan knew why he has been staying up all night and sleeping all day. But he wasn't sure if he wanted to talk about it just yet.

Decided to break up this chapter into two parts.

Hope you are still enjoying this story.
What do y'all think is going on with Evan?

More to come soon.

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