It Hurts Too Much

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Jessica drove to the bookstore she owned. It was quite successful and Jessica was proud of it.

Jessica parked her car behind the bookstore in her usual parking spot. Then she grabbed her purse and got out of her car.

Jessica walked upstairs where the employee area was and walked inside. She placed her purse in her cubby then took a deep breath before going downstairs to the bookstore.

"Good afternoon, Jessica." Sarah said as she hugged Jessica.

Sarah Paulson was Jessica's best friend and next door neighbor. Sarah lived with her girlfriend Lily Rabe.

Sarah also worked at the bookstore and helped Jessica run it.

Especially when Danny died. Sarah and Lily has stepped up and helped Jessica run the store. For a time, Jessica was absent from the bookstore and hadn't cared what happened to it.

Now, Jessica was grateful to Sarah and Lily for keeping it open and running. Books were Jessica's way of coping and her bookstore was what was keeping her going. Most days.

"Hi, Sarah. Good afternoon to you too." Jessica said with sad smile.

Sarah pulled away and looked at Jessica. She could tell Jessica had been crying. She knew where Jessica had been.

Today was March 10th; it was Danny's three year death anniversary. Sarah knew Jessica had just come from visiting Danny.

Sarah pulled Jessica into another hug and that's when Jessica broke down again.
Sarah then walked with Jessica upstairs then they sat down on the sofa that was there and Sarah pulled Jessica a tight hug. Sarah let Jessica cry her heart out.

After some time, Jessica pulled away and said. "I still don't understand how this happened. Danny and I were married for 25 years. He and I were supposed to grow old together. I was going to tell him about the baby the night he died. Why did my husband have to die!? Why did I have to lose my baby? He should be here with me and our baby."

Sarah was crying at this point too and just let Jessica let out her feelings.

Jessica then got angry and said. "That bastard only got 15 years! He should have gotten life in prison! He deserves to rot away in a cell and think about what he did to Danny and what he did to me! He left me without my husband."

Jessica was so angry at the man who chose to drink and drive that night. She even more angry at the verdict of the jury.

Jessica sobbed quietly now. She leaned forward, her elbows on her knees and her face in her hands. She was suddenly feeling drained.

Sarah moves closer and she rubs Jessica's back.
"Oh, Jess. I'm so sorry you're going through this. I can't even imagine what's it like." Sarah said. "I know there are no words I can say that will help you feel better. Just know that Lily and I are here for you and we love you very much."

Jessica sat up straight and looked at Sarah. "Thank you, Sarah for being here for me. I love you both too. You and Lily have been a godsend. Especially you." She said with smile.
"You're very welcome." Sarah said. "You're like a sister to me and I will do anything for you."

Jessica hugged Sarah for a moment longer then she pulled away and said. "Again thank you for being here for me. Uh...give me a few minutes and I'll be down to help."
"Jess, why don't you go home?" Sarah suggested. "I'll take care of everything today. I don't mind closing."
Jessica shook her head no and said. "I rather be here and keep busy. Thank you, though." She smiled appreciatively.
Sarah smiled then said. "Alright. See you in a bit. Take all the time you need."

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