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*4 weeks old*

It was 4 am and Jessica was nursing Victoria. She yawned then looked down at her daughter. She smiled a tired smile and caressed the baby's cheek.

Jessica felt exhausted. These passed two weeks there was a sudden change in Evan. He had stopped helping Jessica out and Jessica has been doing most of everything on her own so far.

She couldn't understand it. Also, Evan would sleep a lot during the day that his job at the construction company was suffering. The cleaning of their house too was becoming an issue.

Unbeknownst to Jessica, as she slept at night in between feedings, Evan would stay awake all night. Then during the day he would sleep and Jessica would watch him as he would doze off.

Evan was currently awake and he smiled at Jessica. But Jessica was too upset to smile back, almost angry with him so she turned away. She looked down at her baby girl.

Victoria looked right into Jessica's eyes and in that moment, she forgot her anger towards Evan.

Evan put his head down. He knew Jessica was upset but he couldn't help it. He feeling so many emotions. He wasn't ready to confront those emotions yet so, it made him seem like he didn't care.

Once Victoria was fed, Jessica burped her then kissed her forehead as she drifted off to sleep.

Jessica smiled down at her daughter and got up and put her down on her bassinet. She looked at Evan who just, in way, was so disconnected.

He wasn't paying attention to her or Victoria now. He was just laying down and turned away from her. She sighed and shook her head. She too exhausted to say anything to him.

Jessica just turned off her lamp on the nightstand whole Evan kept his on. She drifted off to sleep quickly because she was too tired to do or say anything else.

Evan heard Jessica's soft snores and turned onto his back and sighed. He spent the rest of the night awake and he kept checking on Victoria.

When Jessica woke up after getting some rest, Victoria began to cry. Jessica yawned then got out of bed to get her baby girl. It was 6:30 am.

"Good morning, baby girl." Jessica said.

Victoria turned towards Jessica as her cries quieted down from hearing her mother's voice.

Jessica picked up the baby into her arms and smiled. She placed a kiss on the baby's forehead and said. "Let's get you into a clean diaper then I'll give you breakfast." She chuckled.

Jessica looked over at Evan who was fast asleep and snoring. He slept through Victoria's cry. Jessica shook her head then left to the nursery to change the baby's diaper.

Once Victoria has a new diaper, she begins to cry again.

"Oh, I know! I'm sorry for taking so long. But I wanted you comfortable when you eat." Jessica said as she picked up the baby.

She then sat on the rocking chair and pulled the front of her gown down. Victoria immediately latched and suckled as if she hadn't eaten in days.

"Slow down baby girl." Jessica said in a baby voice. She chuckled then said. "Your food isn't going anywhere. No need to rush."

Victoria eats her breakfast and Jessica gently rocks in the rocking chair. She can't help but stare at her baby girl. She caressed Victoria's cheek, which was now becoming chubby.

"You are the best thing that's ever happened to me." Jessica said softly. "You and your daddy. Even though something is going on with him that's making me upset. I still love him very much. He's been distant and...I wish he would tell me what's wrong. But I know he has trouble voicing how he feels sometimes." Jessica sighs. "I hope he helps out more though. The house is becoming a mess, and I have to do more than usual. I guess today I'll clean up and do laundry...while your daddy sleeps all day." She gets upsets and sighed again.

Victoria just looks up at Jessica and continued to nurse. Jessica looked into her eyes and laughed.

"You're probably thinking, "Mommy, be quiet I'm trying to eat!"" Jessica said in a baby voice. "Okay, mommy will be quiet now. But thank you for listening, baby girl."

Jessica leaned down to kiss the baby's forehead then began to sing her a song.

Hey everyone! So so sorry for not updating in so long.

I know this is a short update but I wanted to give y'all a little something to read. This is setting things up for what's to come next.

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