Never Dreamed

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Later that night, Jessica cooked dinner and had planned to tell Evan her news after dinner.

Evan was taking a shower as Jessica cooked. Lola of course was following her every move.

Jessica looked down and laughed. She turned down flames of the stove to let the food simmer then she bent down to Lola's level.

"You knew all along there was something in my tummy, huh?" Jessica said as she rubbed Lola's fur. "I'm six weeks pregnant, Lola. I can't believe it!" She chuckled. I'm going to tell Evan later. I hope he'll be happy."

Lola licked her face then gently bumped her belly with the top of her head. Jessica chuckled again. She then heard Evan's footsteps on the stairs then walking closer to the kitchen.

Jessica stood up and smiled when she saw Evan walk into the room. Evan hugged and kissed Jessica.

"How was your appointment? What did the doctor say?" Evan finally asked.
"It's just a stomach bug." Jessica replied. "My doctor gave me some medicine to help me get better. I'm going to be okay."
"I'm so glad." Evan said. "I was so worried."

They both set the table together and soon sat across from each other ready to eat.

Jessica made something very light and she hoped she could keep her food down.

Jessica was also nervous; she didn't know what Evan reaction would be. What if he wasn't happy about this?

After dinner and putting away washed dishes, Jessica told Evan to sit down with her in the living room.

She grabbed both his hands and held them. "Evan...uh...there's something I have to tell you." She said. "I wasn't truthful about what the doctor said was wrong with me."

Evan grew worried and his eyes grew wide.

"Don't worry. It's nothing bad." Jessica said quickly to ease Evan's fears. "At least, I don't think it is."
"What's wrong, Jess?" Evan said relaxing a little.

Jessica bit her bottom lip nervously then said. "I'm pregnant, Evan. We're having a baby."

Evan's eyes grew twice their normal size then they returned to normal. A smile crossed his face. "A baby!" He exclaimed. "Wow! Oh my goodness!"

Evan hugged Jessica and tears began to roll down his cheeks. He pulled away and Jessica saw his tears.

"Evan? What's wrong?" Jessica asked.
"I just...I never dreamed of ever being married. But here I am. Married to the love of my life. Also, I never ever dreamed of having a kid of my own. But..." Evan said, not being able to finish his sentence due to his emotions. He was beyond happy.

Jessica was so relieved of Evan's reaction. She too had tears rolling down her cheeks.

She grabbed one of his hands and placed it on her belly. "And here you are. You're going to be a father in seven and half months." She said.
"I'm so happy Jessica!" Evan cried. "I love you!"
"I love you too." Jessica replied with a huge smile.

*8 Weeks Pregnant*

Jessica told Evan not to tell anyone about the baby yet. She wanted to wait till she was in her second trimester to tell Phil and Emily.

Evan was anxious to tell them but he honored Jessica's wishes.

Jessica had an appointment and Evan went with her this time. They sat in a room waiting for the doctor to come in.

Evan stood beside Jessica and held her hand. He was being so loving towards her. He would kiss her, caress her face and just looked at her with so much love in his eyes.

Dr. Davis soon walked into the room and she smiled at the couple.

"Hello, Jessica." Dr. Davis said. "This must be Evan."
"Yes. This is Evan." Jessica replied. "Evan, this Dr. Amanda Davis. She's been my doctor for the past ten years."

Evan reaches out his hand out to shake the doctor's hand. "Hello, nice to meet you."
"Nice to meet you too." Dr. Davis said. "So, are we excited for baby Peters?"
"I'm more than excited!" Evan said with a smile. "I can't wait to meet them."

Dr. Davis smiled then turned her attention back to Jessica and said. "How have you been Jessica?"
"Well, morning sickness has kicked into high gear, I'm still tired all the time but, other than that I'm feeling good." Jessica chuckled. "It's nothing I can't handle."

Now that she was pregnant again, Jessica didn't want to complain about anything. Losing Noah was painful and now she wanted to enjoy this pregnancy and just take things as they are.

As long as her baby was born healthy was all that mattered to Jessica.

After checking Jessica's blood pressure and such, Dr. Davis moves onto the ultrasound.

Jessica lays back and pulls her shirt up a bit so Dr. Davis could perform the ultrasound. Dr. Davis begins and soon they are all seeing the baby on screen. It was now the size of a raspberry and it was wiggling around on the screen.

Jessica smiles at the screen, tears forming in her eyes then she turns to Evan to see his reaction.

Evan stares at the screen in awe. His eyes were wide with excitement. He then looked to Jessica and their eyes met.

He leans down and kisses her lips. They pull apart then they turn back to the screen.

"Everything is looking great. You're baby is growing and now let's hear their heartbeat." Dr. Davis said as she pushes a button.

The room was filled with a strong heartbeat and Jessica couldn't help the tears that rolled down her cheeks.

Evan listened intently and tears rolled down his cheeks as well. He still couldn't believe that he was going to be a father.

Jessica looked back and Evan and saw his tears. "Evan, are you alright?" She asked.
Evan turns towards Jessica and said. "I'm more than alright. I'm so so happy. This is so amazing!"

Jessica could see the excitement and love in his eyes. Sure they were both different but their relationship worked. They had love for each other and love for their baby and that was all that mattered.

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