The Visit

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That night, Jessica had a heavy heart. She thought about maybe going on a trip to give herself and Evan some time apart.

Lola cuddled close to Jessica and fell asleep. Jessica patted her head then she closed her eyes.

Because of the events of the previous night and today, Jessica fell asleep without any trouble.

"Honey..." a voice called out.

Jessica stirred and her eyes fluttered open.

"Did my babydoll have a good sleep?" The voice asked.

Jessica sat up in bed and gasped; tears filled her eyes. "Danny?" She whispered.

Danny smiled his gorgeous smile at Jessica and replied. "The one and only." He chuckled.

Tears rolled down her cheeks as she took in Danny's appearance. He looked amazing and was just as handsome as ever.

Danny was carrying a tray of food and walked over to place it over Jessica's lap.
Lola jumped on the bed and laid next to Jessica.

"I thought I would surprise you with breakfast in bed." Danny said as he placed the tray in Jessica's lap. Danny looked at Jessica and asked. "Hey, why is beautiful wife crying?"

He sat down next to Jessica and wiped away her tears with his fingers. Jessica cried some more when she felt Danny's warm hands on her cheeks.

"I just....I..." Jessica began. "It doesn't matter. I'm just so happy. Thank you for making me the most happiest woman in the world."
Danny smiled and leaned over to place a kiss on her lips. He pulled away and said. "Of course, you know I'll do whatever I can to give you the world."

Jessica couldn't stop smiling. She held onto Danny's hands and she didn't want to let go.

Throughout the day, Danny gave Jessica the best day ever. He took her out to dinner and they went dancing after. They did all the things they used to do when he was alive.

Jessica couldn't believe this was actually happening. She relished the feeling of being in Danny's arms again. She didn't want the day to end.

Once they got back home, Danny kissed Jessica passionately. When he pulled away, he had tears rolling down his cheeks.

Danny held Jessica close; his hands on her waist and she had her arms wrapped around his neck.

"Danny?" Jessica said as she caressed his face.
"Oh my babydoll...I'm sorry but I have to go soon." He said his voice thick with emotion.
"No! Please don't go." Jessica said as she began to cry.
"I have to." He replied. "I was only allowed to come for a quick visit. I came to tell you...that, that it's okay for you to move on."

Jessica looked into his eyes and said. "But, Danny..."
"Jess, it's okay." He said as he began to sway them gently back and forth. "I sent you a really great guy. Sure he is different but I know you can handle it. He is in love with you and you are in love with him. Please, don't hold back. I love you, Jessica Lange. With all my heart. I want you to be happy. Be with Evan. Marry Evan. You both will be so so happy together. Sure, you both will have your ups and downs but so did we and our love overcame everything."

Jessica silently sobbed as she buried her face in his chest. She held onto Danny tightly and he too held her tightly.

Jessica calmed down a bit and pulled back to look into Danny's eyes and said. "I love you, Mr. Huston. Don't ever, ever forget that."
"Never. I love you too." Danny said.

Danny kissed once more before pulling away.

"Before I go, there's someone I want you to meet." Danny said with smile.

Suddenly, Jessica heard a giggle. She looked around Danny and saw a little boy who looked to be about three years old.

He ran over to Danny and held his arms up so Danny could pick him up. Danny picked him up and kissed his chubby cheek.

Jessica's tears poured down her cheeks. She knew that this little boy was her baby. He looked exactly like Danny but with some of her features coming through.

The little boy turned and saw Jessica. He smiled wide and said. "Hi, mommy!"
"Oh my goodness." Jessica whispered.

The little boy reached over to Jessica and Jessica immediately took him into her arms.
She hugged him tightly and kissed the side of his head.

"Jess, this is Noah." Danny said. "Our son."

Jessica couldn't speak. She held onto her baby boy and quietly sobbed.

"We are taking good care of each other where we're from and we are taking great care of you as well." Danny said as he walked closer and held his family close. "Jess...we want you to be happy and I know that you will find that happiness with Evan. Let your heart guide you and be with him. It's okay with me, Jess. It's okay."

Jessica nodded her head and reached for Danny. She brought him close and kissed his lips one last time.

When she pulled away Danny said. "We have to go now. But know, that we are always with you. I love you."

Danny took Noah into his arms and Noah said. "I love you too, mommy. Go be happy now!"

"I love you both so much." Jessica said.

Just then, Danny and Noah disappeared.

Jessica jerks awake and feels her cheeks wet. She began to sob but they weren't tears of sadness. It was as if this huge weight was lifted off of her shoulders and she was rejoicing.

Jessica truly believe that Danny and her son came to visit her. Danny made his message loud and clear.

Jessica looked down at her wedding ring that she hadn't taken off since Danny's death. She takes a deep breath then pulls it off. She placed a kiss onto it then puts away in one of her jewelry boxes that were in her nightstand drawer.

She gets up from bed, feeling so much lighter than she ever has and she had this new determination to follow her heart.

Okay, I couldn't help myself. This chapter was spontaneous and hope you all liked it!

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