Aren't You Happy?

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Phil's eyes went wide and so did Emily's. Phil reached over and took into his hands the photo.

He studied it to make sure this was real. After a moment, tears sprung into his eyes and a smile crossed his face.

"Oh my goodness!" Phil said emotionally. He stood up and hugged Evan first then Jessica. "I'm going to be a grandfather! Holy crow!Congratulations to the both of you."

Tears were rolling down his cheeks. He never ever thought Evan would have children. He did have some concerns but he knew Jessica would take care of those concerns. He was extremely happy of this news.

Jessica too had tears rolling down, she was relieved about Phil's reaction.

Phil pulled away and asked. "How far along are you?"
"12 weeks." Jessica replied.

Phil hugged Jessica again and cried more tears of joy. Jessica couldn't stop her tears either but held a smile on her face.

Finally they pulled away and Sarah and Lily gave their congratulations again to Jessica and Evan. Then Emma congratulated the couple and the last ones to give their congratulations were Emily and Michael.

Michael went first and hugged Jessica and Evan then Emily was next. Jessica could tell there was something on Emily's mind.

"Emily are you alright? Aren't you happy for Jessica and I?" Evan asked feeling that his sister's mood was off.

Emily smiles and nods. "Of course! Congratulations to the both of you." Emily hugs Jessica once again. Then she pulls away and says. "I'm sorry if I didn't seem enthusiastic at first. It was just a shock and well...Michael and I have our own announcement."

Michael walked closer to Emily and wrapped an arm around Emily's waist and he smiled.

Emily took a deep and breath and said. "I'm pregnant too!" She then smiled wide. "I'm eight weeks."

"Oh my goodness!" Jessica said excitedly. "That's wonderful news."

Jessica hugged Emily then Michael and soon everyone said their congratulations to Emily and Michael.

Phil has tears streaming down his face. He felt overwhelmed with happiness and also sadness. He wished Julie was with him to share the happiness of getting not one, but two grandchildren.

Evan and Emily hugged their father and everyone gave them some space to be alone with him while still in the same room.

Phil told his children how proud he was of them and that he couldn't wait to be surrounded by grandchildren. He couldn't wait to spoil them rotten.

Emily had wanted to announce her pregnancy in a different way but she wasn't expecting Jessica to be pregnant too. She thought she would be the only one to give her father grandchildren.

Even though her announcement didn't turn out as planned, she was very excited for the next chapter in her life and was also was excited to go through pregnancy with Jessica.

Also, she was very much excited to become an aunt. She did have some worries about how Evan would handle a baby but, for now, she was happy for her brother.

After their moment, cake was finally served and the rest of the night was spent in a relaxed atmosphere and joy.

Everyone left one by one and Jessica thanked Sarah and Lily once again for her birthday dinner.

Jessica and Evan then made their way back home.

Jessica then walks upstairs to her bedroom to change into comfy clothes. She then puts her hair up in a messy bun and after, she laid down in her bed.

Evan did the same and climbed into bed next to Jessica. He pulled Jessica close to him. Her back was against his front and Evan wrapped an around her. His hand resting on her small bump.

Jessica sighed contently and drifted off to sleep easily. Her last thought was how lucky she was to have met Evan.

I am so so sorry for the lack of updates. Also, sorry for this short chapter.

Last week I was Las Vegas for spring break and well...let's just say I had too much fun to write anything. 😂

Las Vegas was so so much fun and I am still shock that I actually was able to go. Also, I saw Cher in concert. Best trip ever!😭🙌🏼

More chapters to come soon!❤️

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