Saturday Morning

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The rest of the week went on as usual. By Friday, Hank had brought all of the flowers that would be planted and soil.

Jessica thanked him and she went on with her day as normal. The only thing exciting was the release of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. Jessica was so happy how the release went.

The book flew off the shelves and Jessica was able to keep one for herself until she was able to order more.

The next morning, Jessica was fast asleep. Saturday's were her usual days to sleep in.

Suddenly, Jessica jerked awake when she heard the loud sound of a lawn mower. She looked over at the clock on her nightstand and saw that it read, 7:30 am.

Lola was now awake too, laying at the foot of Jessica's bed was looking towards the window, whining.

"What the hell?" Jessica muttered as she stood up from the bed and looked out of her window and down at her backyard.

She saw Evan on a lawn mower cutting her grass in the backyard. Jessica was annoyed by that for a few reasons. 1. It way early for her to be up on a Saturday and 2. Evan had obviously gone into her garage to get the lawn mower without her permission.

Jessica grabbed her robe and pulled it on as she rushed downstairs. She walked out the back door, tying her robe closed and rushed over to Evan.

Evan was casually riding around on the lawn mower without a care in the world.

Jessica was yelling at him to stop but Evan kept going. Even after he saw her trying to catch his attention. He only stopped when Jessica stood in front of the lawn mower with her hands raised, to stop him.

Evan stopped the lawn mower and turned it off. "Yes, ma'am?" He asked.
"What do you think you're doing?" Jessica asked in annoyance.
"I noticed your grass was growing super long and decided to mow it for you." Evan said.
"I didn't ask for you to mow my lawn. Also, you went into my garage without permission. You were only supposed to plant my new flowers." Jessica said angrily. "And you woke me up! It's only 7:30 in the morning!"

"I finished planting your flowers, ma'am." Evan said unfazed. "My dad dropped me off at 6:00 am. When I finished planting your flowers, I still felt bad. Again, I'm so sorry about your flowers that I ruined and just...I just really wanted to make it up to you, ma'am."

Jessica softens when she saw how remorseful he was. She sighs and said. "It's okay. I'm sorry for freaking out on you. It's just, I usually sleep in on Saturday's. I am cranky when I don't get enough sleep. I didn't expect you to be here so early. Thank you for your help."

Evan relaxes and said. "You're welcome, ma'am."
"Jessica. Jessica Huston." She said as she put her hand out to shake.
"Nice to meet you, Jessica Jessica Huston." He said as he shook her hand.

Jessica couldn't help but chuckle then said. "It's just one Jessica."
"Oh. Okay." Evan said with a smile. "I'm Evan Peters by the way."
"Nice to meet you, Evan." Jessica said.

They put their hands down and Jessica continued. "Alright, I'll let you continue your work. I'll be back in a few minutes. I want to discuss something with you."
"Yes, ma'am." Evan said politely.

Jessica raised an eyebrow and Evan back pedaled and said. "I mean, Jessica."
"It's okay." Jessica smiled. "Alright, I'll be back."

Evan nodded and watched Jessica walk back into her home. Evan smiled; he felt so happy that Jessica didn't recoil from him. She treated him as if he was normal. Usually people would make fun of him and turn the other way.

Evan's mood increased and he went back on the lawn mower to finish the job.

Jessica went back inside to make a cup of coffee and to shower.

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