It Is Perfect

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Jessica quickly showered then dressed. She grabbed her car keys and rushed outside.

She drove to Evan's house to give him an answer. She was very nervous for Phil's and Emily's reaction. But, her determination kept her from turning the car around.

Finally arriving, she turned off of her car then quickly rushed to the front door and knocked.

Phil answered and he let Jessica inside. Jessica asked where Evan was. Emily stood close by her father with her arms crossed and a displeased look on her face. Jessica didn't care. All she wanted was to find her happiness.

"He's in the backyard." Phil replied.
Emily wanted to stop Jessica but Phil stopped her from doing so.

Jessica walked to the backyard and found Evan sitting under a tree, reading a book. She smiled and she approached him.

"Evan..." she said.

Evan looked up and smiled. He stood up and walked over to her.

"Jessica! I'm so glad you're here." Evan said.
"Evan, I have an answer for you." Jessica said as she took his hands in hers. "And my answer is yes."

Evan's smile widen and happy tears appear in his eyes. He wrapped his arms around Jessica, picked her up and spun her around.

They laughed then Evan placed her back down. They kissed each other for a moment then they knew they had to tell Phil and Emily.

They walked back inside and told Emily and Phil they needed to speak to them.
They all met in the kitchen and Evan and Jessica sat next to each other at the kitchen table holding each other's hands.

Again, Emily crossed her arms but didn't speak.

"Em, Dad..." Evan began. "Jessica said yes. She wants to marry me."

Phil sighed and said. "Wow, I didn't think Evan was serious about this. This is a shock."

"Dad, I know you don't understand so, I'm going to ask. Dad, why did you marry mom?" Evan asked.
"Because he loved her of course!" Emily answered.
"Emily, I asked dad the question." Evan said feeling annoyed. "Let him answer it."

Emily rolled her eyes and just stood back.

"What did you love about her?" Evan asked his father.
"Oh jeez! This is ridiculous!" Emily said moving to stand in front of Evan. "Dad, we need to put a stop to this!"

"You know what Em..." Evan said finally having enough. "I don't know why you don't like Jessica. She's been nothing but caring and helpful to dad and me when mom died." He then looked right into her eyes and said. "You know, there are things I don't like about Michael and also his parents. They didn't want me at your wedding party because they were too worried I would embarrass them in front of their friends. Jessica has never done that to me. She has never been embarrassed by me. Also, there are things you do I don't like but because I love you, I look past those things." He sighed then continued. "Why can't you just see that Jessica and I are in love with each other and we want to get married?"

It was quiet for a moment then Phil finally answered Evan's question.

"I fell in love with your mom because she was gentle, good and caring." He said. "And because she loved me."
"That's why I love Jessica." Evan said. "We love each other."

Evan could tell his father was softening to the idea but Emily still had her concerns.

"We get that Evan." Emily said gently. "But the question is...and I'm trying hard not to offend anyone, but why does Jessica love you?"
"You need to ask Jessica that." Evan said.

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