It's Temporary

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The next morning, Jessica was released from the hospital.

Sarah and Lily had heard of Jessica's trip to the emergency room and immediately rushed over to see her.

They told her to rest and not worry about the bookstore. They would take care of everything.

Jessica thanked them immensely and was yet again, grateful that she had such great friends by her side.

Emily was right by Jessica's side and after Sarah and Lily left, she took the opportunity to speak to Jessica.

Evan had to work at a construction site and Emily promised him that she would take good care of Jessica.

Emily walked upstairs to check in on Jessica. She found Jessica, sitting up against a mountain of pillows. Jessica was relaxing and reading a book.

When Jessica saw Emily walk into her bedroom, she smiled at Emily and closed her book to talk.

"Thank you, Emily for being so calm yesterday. I was so scared but...but you made me feel at ease."  Jessica said as Emily sat down on the bed by Jessica.

Emily smiled a warm smile and said. "You don't have to thank me." Her smile faltered and she bowed her head. She then looked up and looked into Jessica's eyes. "Jessica, I'm so sorry for pushing you away. All you did was help me after I lost my baby and I just...I just let my grief and anger get in the way of our relationship. We had gotten so close and..."
Emily has tears rolling down her cheeks and so did Jessica. "...and that all went away. But yesterday was a wake up call for me. Seeing you buckle over in pain and seeing the fear in your eyes just made me realize that...I shouldn't punish you for something that no one could control. The loss of my baby wasn't my fault. I know that now. When we were waiting in the waiting room for an update on you and the baby, all I could do was pray. I didn't want you to go through another miscarriage. I prayed that my niece would be okay. I'm so glad you both are alright."

Jessica's tears matched Emily's and she hugged Emily. Emily hugged her back.

They stayed comforting each other for a while longer then they pulled away.

They stayed talking until lunch time and Emily went to make them something to eat. 

Emily brings their lunch upstairs on a tray and they both sit on the bed and eat. They talked some more and were on their way to rebuild their relationship.

After lunch, Emily helps Jessica find some information for Lamaze class. There were a few classes at the same hospital Jessica's doctor worked at.

The next class would be taking place in two weeks. So, Jessica signed up for the classes through the phone. She hoped that this class would help her and Evan for what's to come.


Two weeks later, Jessica has just entered her eighth month and today was the day of the Lamaze class. It was a Wednesday and the class would start at 1 pm.

Evan wanted to treat Jessica to lunch first, so they went to a restaurant with a relaxing atmosphere.

As they ate their food, they discussed baby names.

They went over a few names for their daughter that they had in mind but didn't settle on one just yet.

After they ate, Jessica drove them to the hospital where the class would take place.

Jessica's belly has grown a bit more now and her belly almost touched the steering wheel. She was a little concerned because she had one more month to go in the pregnancy. She wasn't sure how much longer she would be able to drive.

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