One Lucky Woman

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Before going to lunch, Sarah stopped by the grocery store to buy some baby Tylenol. Jessica stayed in the car nursing the baby.

Victoria was still upset; she was two months old but her personality so far had been a very chill baby. But at the moment, she was cranky.

She nursed from her mother and she was close to falling asleep. Jessica hummed softly and she rubbed Victoria's cheek.

Sarah walks back to the car, opens the door and get into the driver seat. "Alright, I got two flavors. The cherry and the grape. I, uh I didn't know which one grab." She chuckled.
Jessica smiled and nodded, "Thank you, Sarah. I appreciate it."

"How are you holding up?" Sarah asked.
Jessica sighed, "I don't know. I mean, I'm glad it's over. But, the fact she was in pain and the fact that she will most likely get a fever, I'm just sad for her." Tears formed again in her eyes.

"Awe, at least by tomorrow, she should be back to her usual happy baby self." Sarah said, trying to bring some type of comfort to Jessica.
"So, what would you like to eat for lunch?" She then asked.

Victoria was done with her feeding, and finally fell asleep. Jessica put her back in her in her car seat and buckled her in.

"Um...I guess let's eat some Italian food today." Jessica said, feeling a bit better now that Victoria fell asleep. "I want some lasagna." She chuckled then wiped away the rest of her tears.
"Alright! Italian it is." Sarah said and she pulled out of the parking spot and they were on their way.

They arrived to the restaurant a few minutes later. Once they parked, Sarah carried Victoria in the car seat inside. Jessica had her purse and diaper bag.

They get seated in a quiet area of the restaurant; their hostess saw the sleeping baby and decided to be accommodating.

During their lunch, they got to talk some more and Jessica had a good time. Victoria slept through their whole meal. Of course Jessica would look over every so often to make sure the baby doing okay.

It wasn't until Jessica got home that Victoria woke up being cranky. She cried and Jessica was able to nurse her but after the baby just cried some more.

"Awe I know." Jessica said softly, "Getting shots is never fun. Let's see, let's check to see if you have a temperature."

She uses e the back side of her hand and places it on Victoria's forehead. Sure enough, Jessica felt how warm the baby felt.

To make sure, Jessica got the in ear thermometer and uses it. Victoria's temperature was 100.1.

Jessica's heart broke; she was hoping to avoid a fever. She sighed then grabbed the children's Tylenol. She gets the correct dose that the doctor recommended.

"Okay, baby girl." Jessica said, "This is going to be a new flavor for you and you may not like it. But it'll make you feel better. I'm going to give you the cherry flavor. It's my favorite flavor. Hopefully it'll be yours too."

Jessica puts the syringe filled with tylonel and puts into the baby's mouth. She took a deep breath and slowly fed the baby the medicine.

At first, Victoria made a face then her face relaxed and she was able to take the whole dose.

"Well, I'm glad I went with the cherry flavor." Jessica chuckled.

The baby was still fussy but calmed down some as her mother continued to speak to her. Jessica then sits back on the sofa and softly sings to Victoria.

After a few more minutes, Victoria eyes fluttered closed and she fell asleep.

Jessica held her for another couple minutes then she sighed softly. "My poor baby. I hope you feel better soon baby girl." She whispered.

She kissed Victoria's forehead then placed her in the bassinet. Jessica felt sleepy so, she decided to take a nap too.

She pushed the bassinet closer to the sofa then she got the blanket that was over the sofa and she laid down. She got comfortable and after one last look to check on the baby, she finally got laid down her head and was fast asleep.

Around 5 pm, Jessica and Victoria were up from their nap. Jessica was glad she was able to get a bit of sleep.

She felt like she had more energy now so with Victoria in a wrap around Jessica, she started work on dinner. Evan would be home soon.

"Jess." Evan's voice rang out twenty minutes later.
"I'm in the kitchen." Jessica replied.

Evan walked into the kitchen and smiled. He walks over to Jessica and hugs her from behind. She smiles and leans her back a bit.

She then turns around and kissed his lips. "How was your day, honey?" She asked.
"It was good. We started work at a new house across town." He said as he kissed the top of Victoria's head. She was wide awake but quiet as she laid against her mother. "How did it go at the doctors? Did they give Victoria shots?"

Jessica runs Victoria's back and nodded. "Yes. They have her two shots. We both cried. A Lot." She pouted.
"Awe my poor girls." Evan said as he kissed the top of Victoria's head again then kissed Jessica on her lips. "Are you both better now?"

"I am better now." Jessica said, "But Victoria has been cranky since we left the doctors office. And she's been having a fever but I've been giving her children's tylonel. It's keeping the fever at bay."

"That's good." Evan said, "Well, Victoria, I hope you feel better soon. I love you." He rubbed her head then said, "I am going to take a quick shower then I'll come down and help with dinner."
"Alright, see you in a bit." Jessica replied, kissing his lips. "Go get cleaned up."

Evan nodded and left to take a shower.

Jessica sighed with a smile on her face. "I am one lucky woman, Victoria. I have the most handsome and sweetest husband and I have you. The little girl I've always dreamed of."

Victoria coos and yawns. Jessica giggled then said, "Alright, let's get back to cooking dinner."

Alright! Here's a quick update!

I know it was kinda boring but I'm trying to get back into the swing of writing again.

So, what would you like see this family do? Any drama? Or should I just keep things light hearted? Let me know.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10 ⏰

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