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Jessica didn't know how to answer. She was blindsided and before she could answer, Emily made the decision for her.

"Jessica, you should leave." Emily said.

Jessica turned and walked to the living room to grab her purse. She took her keys out of her purse and got into her car. She drove away feeling so angry that Emily had this attitude with her. But most of all, her heart ached for leaving Evan.

Before leaving the kitchen, Evan looked at Jessica sadly. His eyes were trying to tell her to stay and she felt that. But she just couldn't stay in that house much longer.

Back in the Peters' household, Evan rushed out of the kitchen and ran to his room. He was so mad at his sister for making Jessica leave.

Angry tears rolled down his cheeks. He threw himself on his bed and cried. He wondered why Emily was so against him being with Jessica.

All he had ever wanted since knowing Emily was getting married, was a chance to do the same. He wanted to find love and get married.

Jessica was the one he fell in love with and he was sure that Jessica felt the same. He felt it in his heart.

Emily turned to her father and said. "See! I knew something was going on when all Evan talked about was Jessica. And the way he was speaking about her! He even told me that he was in love with her! Who knows what happened between them. She probably took advantage of him!"
"Emily! Enough! Alright, enough." Phil said feeling frustrated. "You got your point across. You can stop now."

Emily sighed and began to put things away. Phil walked out of the kitchen. He needed a breather. He wasn't sure if Jessica would take advantage of Evan. He felt Jessica's heart was too pure for that. But, Emily planted the seed in his mind and now he would have to ask if anything happened between his son and Jessica.

The next day, Jessica spent it at the bookstore. She needed to clear her mind and think about her feelings for Evan.

Sarah had noticed Jessica's mood and could tell her best friend was feeling down.

Jessica was in the back where they kept all the books that need to be stocked and she was going through the inventory. She sat on the floor as she with through various boxes.

Jessica was now looking through some children's books and came across The Cat In the Hat.

Tears immediately sprung to her eyes when she saw it. She picked it up and held it. This was the first book that Evan read all by himself without her help.

She couldn't help but miss him terribly. Her heart ached and wished things would be easier. That their relationship hadn't gone too far with that kiss.

Tears rolled down her cheeks as she sobbed.

"Jess?" Sarah said as she saw Jessica. "Oh, honey. What's wrong?"
"'s nothing." Jessica said as she wiped her tears away.

Sarah sat down next Jessica on the floor. She wrapped an arm around Jessica and brought her close.

Jessica curled into Sarah's side and sobbed. Once she able to speak, Jessica finally told Sarah what had happened with Emily.

"That bitch!" Sarah exclaimed. "How dare she speak to you that way!" Sarah sighed and calmed down. "So...uh...If Emily hadn't interrupted you, what would you have told Evan?"
Jessica shook her head and said. "I don't know what my answer would have been. I'm so confused. I mean...I guess I do love him. But, I know getting married would be wrong. I mean, what kind of marriage would we have. I would feel weird if we...if we ever got intimate. I don't know, Sar. I wish things were just easier."
"Well, I can't help you on the being intimate part, but, I believe it could work." Sarah said. "There's so much more to a marriage other than intimacy. I know you and Danny had pretty great experiences that didn't involve sex."
"Well, yeah." Jessica replied. "I mean...I...ugh! I don't know. I'm done talking about this."

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