What's Going On?

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After a long day, Evan was picked up by his father Phil.

When they arrived home, Evan took a quick shower then got dressed into comfortable clothes.

He then joined his mother Julie in the kitchen. Julie was cooking dinner and Phil sat at the kitchen table talking to his wife.

Julie and Phil have been married for the past 40 years. They were in their late 60's. They didn't have kids till later in life.

Evan sat down across the table from Phil. Evan told his father and mother about his day and what had happened.

"Then, I fell into the neighbor lady's flowers and ruined them." Evan said sadly. "But, I'm going to make it up to her. Hank said that I can go on Saturday to plant new flowers for her."
"Son. Jim has done this before. He's been playing pranks on you for a while now. So now you have to learn not to listen to Jim. You only listen to Hank. He's your boss." Phil said sternly. "So, Evan, who are you not going to listen to next time?"
"Jim." Evan replied.
"Right! And who are you going to listen to instead?" Phil questioned.
"Hank." Evan said.
"Good job!" Phil said. "Also, I thinks it's great that you are stepping up and helping that lady replant her flowers."

Evan nodded and said. "Yes. You've always told me to take responsibility for my own actions. I ruined her flowers so now I have to undo the damage I did."
"That's right, son." Phil said. "You're a fine young man."

Evan smiled at his father's praise. Evan has only ever gotten praise from his family. To everyone else, they treated Evan as if he was contagious. They always turned their noses up at him.

It hurt his feelings when he heard people talking negative about him. So, he was grateful to his family because they would lift up his spirits and make him feel better.

"Evan, dear. Would you please go call your sister and Michael for dinner?" Julie said. "Tell them dinner is ready."
Evan stands up and said. "Yes, mama."

Evan walks to the living room where his sister Emily and her boyfriend Michael were hanging out.

Emily was Evan's younger sister. She was 21 years old. Evan was 25 years old.

Evan walked into the living room and sees Emily and Michael making out. Emily was on top of Michael.

Evan didn't know any better and he wasn't sure what to do. So he just snuck up on the couple and said. "Mom, says dinner is ready."

Emily and Michael pull apart. Emily fixes her clothing and stands up.

"Evan!" Emily said, feeling flustered. But she knew she couldn't really be mad at Evan. "Evan, it's not nice to sneak up on people like that."
"I'm sorry." Evan said sadly; he thought he was in trouble.

Emily softened and said. "It's okay, big brother. Next time, you knock on the door and say excuse me. Okay?"
Evan nodded with smile. "Okay, Em."
"Good. Now let's go eat dinner!" Emily said as she grabbed Michael's hand and the three of them walked to the kitchen.

They all sat down and began to plate their food and eat. They have casual conversations and enjoy each other's company.

Some time later, before Julie served dessert, Michael stood up and said. "Before we have some dessert. I wanted to say something." He took a deep breath, turned to Emily and said. "Emily, I love you. I'm in love with you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you."

Michael kneeled down on one knee, with a black velvet box in his hands and asked. "Emily Marie Peters, will you marry me?" He opened the box to reveal a huge diamond ring.

Emily had tears in her eyes and she began to nod then said. "Yes! Michael Roberts! I'll marry you!"

Phil and Julie looked on with happiness and were proud of their daughter and the man she was going to marry.

Evan looked on confused and asked. "What's going on?"
Julie smiled then said. "Evan...you're sister and Michael are getting married. Like your father and I are married. Remember the wedding pictures we showed you of our wedding?"
"Oh yeah!" Evan said excitedly.

He stood up and hugged his sister and Michael. "Congratulations, you guys!"
Emily smiled and said. "Thanks, Evan."

The small family celebrated then they had their dessert. All were filled with joy and were happy for the upcoming wedding that was to come.

Later that night, Evan laid awake in bed. He couldn't sleep. His mind raced 100 miles an hour it seemed.

Julie was passing his room and checked in on him noticing that he was awake. "What's wrong, honey?"
Evan sighed and asked. "Now that Emily and Michael are getting married...does that mean Emily isn't going to live with us anymore?"

Julie smiled sadly and said as she sat down at the foot of his bed. "Yes. Once she gets married, Michael and your sister will live at there own house. That's what happens when couples get married. They fall in love, they get married, live on their own and start their own family."

Evan pondered for a moment; he knew he was different but he wondered why he couldn't have what everyone else had. He wanted to know what love is and what it was like for someone to love him.

It brought him sadness that he would never have that. He quickly shook those thoughts out of head. For now he wouldn't worry about that. He wanted to ask another question that was plaguing his mind.

"Mama...will Emily still be my little sister?" Evan asked worriedly."
"Forever." Emily said as she walked into the room. She had heard a little of Evan and their mother's conversation. She walks closer to her big brother and said. "No matter what or where I live, I will always be your baby sister. Also, don't you worry, Evan. Michael and I will visit all the time."

Evan's mood brightened up and said. "Really!?"
Emily giggled and said. "Yep! Now, get some sleep, okay. You have to go to work early tomorrow. Or else, Hank will be upset."
Evan nodded knowingly and said. "Yep, that's for sure."

Julie and Emily say goodnight to Evan and leave his room.

Evan sighs in relief now that his concerns about his sister's upcoming marriage are put to rest.

Evan gets comfortable then he covers himself with his blanket and drifts off to sleep.

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