She'll Miss Me, Right?

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Jessica rushed into the kitchen and found Julie laying on the floor. She quickly kneeled down beside Julie and checked her pulse.

Evan looked on confused.
Jessica found a pulse but it was very weak.

"Evan, come here and stay with your mom." She said in a calm voice. She was anything but calm. But she knew she had to seem so, that way Evan wouldn't panic. "I'm going to call an ambulance."

Evan kneeled down and held his mother's hand. Jessica rushed to the phone that was in the kitchen and dialed 911.

Soon, the paramedics arrived and by that time, Phil had come back from the grocery store. He was shocked of what was happening.

Jessica told him that she would stay with Evan while he went with Julie to the hospital.

*1 Week Later*

Julie was taken to the hospital and the doctors did everything they could, but it was too late.

It was determined that she had a heart attack and her heart was just too weak to go on.

Now, it was the day of her funeral.

Emily and Michael were called as soon as everything happened. They immediately took a plane back home from their honeymoon.

Evan was distraught but he was still trying to figure out what happened to his mother.

All of Julie's family and friends came out for her funeral.

Jessica was there as well, but she stayed in the back of everyone else. She didn't want to crowd Evan, Phil and Emily.

They were at the cemetery, and as the preacher said the last remaining words, he motioned for Phil, Emily and Evan to step forward. They were to sprinkle bits of dirt onto Julie's coffin before it was placed into the ground.

Phil went first, then Emily. Evan was next but he didn't move. He looked at his mother's coffin and just didn't understand why his mother had to go.

Phil tried to help him by moving his hand to gran some dirt but Evan didn't move.

Evan turned his head trying to find Jessica. When he found her, he looked into her eyes and spoke to her with his eyes. He wanted some reassurance.

Jessica nodded her head and gave him a small reassuring smile. Evan nodded once then turned back.

Evan grabbed some dirt then sprinkled it onto the coffin. It was finally over.

Phil and Emily turned to everyone who was ready to give them their support and comfort.

Evan stayed by his mother's side as they lowered the coffin into the ground.

Jessica finally stepped forward and walked to Evan's side. Evan felt Jessica's presence and turned to her.

"Will she be cold?" Evan asked worriedly.
"No. Her body no longer feels anything." Jessica replied soothingly.
"But, she'll miss me, right?" Evan asked.
"Of course." Jessica said. "Even though she is no longer here. Her love for you will always live on."

Jessica was trying to hold it together. She hated funerals and they brought back so many emotions for her.

Evan was comforted by what Jessica said. He was about to respond but his sister had come over and said. "Evan, it's time to go be with family now."

Emily looked at Jessica with a strange look. Jessica noticed and wondered why Emily looked at her in that way.

"Thank you." Emily told Jessica then pulled Evan away.

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