I Can Fix It

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Two weeks later, things went on as usual.

Jessica was at the bookstore. It was a steady day. She and Sarah were talking and Sarah brought up a subject that had upset Jessica many times.

"Sarah, no." Jessica said. "I told you before. I am not interested in dating."
"Jess, I'm sorry. I was just trying to help." Sarah said sadly. "I wasn't trying to upset you. I just think you should go on dates to meet new people."

For the past year, Sarah has been trying to get Jessica to go on dates. She was hoping Jessica would find someone new. She would even set Jessica on blind dates. Which Jessica would decline each time.

Jessica felt bad for snapping at Sarah. She sighed and said calmly. "No. I'm sorry, Sarah. You were just trying to help. But, Sarah...I just don't see myself dating right now, or ever. Please, respect my wishes."
Sarah nodded feeling defeated. "Okay. I won't bring up the subject again." She said.
"Thank you." Jessica said with a smile.

Jessica turned when she heard the door open. It was the delivery man and he walked over to Jessica.

"Hello, Mrs. Huston. I have your new orders." He said. "I just need your signature."
"Of course, Tom." Jessica said.

She took the clipboard he handed her and she signed her name. She then handed the clipboard back and said. "Just put the boxes in the back. I'll go through them later. Thank you."

Tom tipped his hat with a smile then walked out of the store to bring in Jessica's packages.

"I think he likes you." Sarah said slyly. "Maybe...you could..."
"Sarah Catharine Paulson. What did I just say?!" Jessica said in shock.
Sarah giggles and said. "Okay, okay! I'll stop."

Jessica turned away shaking her head but she had a smile. She wasn't angry with Sarah anymore and also, Jessica knew Sarah was just messing with her now.

After Tom the delivery man left, Jessica went to the back and went through all the new arrivals.

Sarah took over the cash register while Jessica was in the back.

Some new books weren't set to release just yet so she kept those books in the boxes. The books that were requested she began to put them on the book shelves.

Later that day, Sarah and Jessica left the bookstore leaving one of the employees to close.

Sarah has invited Jessica over for dinner that night. Once she changed into comfortable clothes and after she fed Lola, Jessica walked over to Sarah's and Lily's house.

As she walked over, Jessica's other neighbor called her over to her side. Sarah and Lily's house was on the right of Jessica and the neighbor's house was on the left.

Jessica talks to her for a bit and her neighbor tells Jessica that she will be having construction going on at her home starting the next day.

The neighbor just wanted to let Jessica know that there will be construction workers going in and out of her home and of course there will be noise.

After speaking to her neighbor, Jessica finally made it to Sarah's.

Jessica had a good time which was rare. But Sarah and Lily made sure that Jessica always had a fun time with them.

They sat around the dinner table and talked.

"Did you hear that Rick and Sue are having work done to their house? They're expanding." Lily said to Jessica.
"Yes, Sue just told me before a came over." Jessica said then she sipped her ice tea.
"She said they are adding a guest room for when their grandchildren sleep over."

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