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*Thirteen weeks pregnant*

A week later, Emily has invited Jessica to lunch and to go shopping.

Evan stayed home and worked on the yard. He took pride in keeping their yard in tip top shape.

Jessica and Emily had lunch at a local Italian restaurant and were discussing what they were experiencing so far in their pregnancy.

As they waited for their food, the current topic was morning sickness.

"Before my second trimester, I was so sick!" Jessica said. "There were days when I couldn't leave the house. I had to keep close to the bathroom."
"Wow. That sounds horrible." Emily said. "I have morning sickness but it's not that bad."
"Really?!" Jessica said. "Lucky!" She chuckled. "Well, every pregnancy and woman is different."

Emily nodded and they moved on to different topics.

After eating their lunch, they ended up at the mall and went to a few clothing stores and of course baby stores.

As they browsed the baby clothes, Emily asked. "What are you hoping for? Boy or girl?"
Jessica looked up at Emily and said. "Honestly...which ever god has blessed me with. Ever since my miscarriage, I never thought I would ever be pregnant again."

Emily looked at Jessica and said. "Oh! I'm so sorry. I didn't know."
"Yeah...I never used to talk about that time." Jessica said sadly. "I was eight weeks pregnant when my husband died. I was actually going to tell him the news the night he died." A tear rolled down her cheek. "I lost my baby some time after the funeral. After going through that and now being pregnant again...I would be happy with either."

Emily walked over and hugged Jessica. "You're right. It shouldn't matter. I agree. Whichever I am blessed with, I will be so so happy."
Jessica smiled and wiped her tears away. "I'm so glad I met your brother. He tore down the walls I built up around my heart and we are having a baby! Plus, we're pregnant at the same time! Our babies are going to be so close!"

Emily pulled away and smiled. "They are going to be the best of cousins!" She giggled.

Jessica and Emily go back to shopping and they both bought a few neutral onesies for their babies. For now, they just browsed more than anything.

They wanted to wait until later in their pregnancies to buy more things for their babies.

They even mentioned about having their baby showers together.

After their day together, Emily dropped off Jessica at her home and drove off after saying their goodbyes.

Jessica sighed contently as she walked into her house and she slipped off her shoes by the door.

"Jessica." Evan said as he walked towards her. "How was your day?" He asked then he placed a kiss on her lips.

Jessica smiled and guided Evan to the living room. They sat down on the sofa and she said. "I had a pretty good day. Emily and I got to spend time together and I feel like we got to bond. We are definitely closer than before."
Evan smiled and said. "I'm glad. Emily has been great towards you now." He paused and smiled more. "Oh my goodness! I'm going to be a father and and uncle! I'm so excited."

Jessica smiled then leaned into Evan's side. They got comfortable and sat back. They talked for a while then Jessica got up to cook dinner.

The rest of their evening went on uneventful.

*Jessica is 15 weeks pregnant*
*Emily is 11 weeks pregnant*

Jessica laid on the exam table staring at the screen. She smiled wide as she saw the baby moving around. The baby now looked like a baby. It wasn't a small dot anymore.

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