My Little Princess

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"A girl!" Jessica exclaimed. "Oh, Evan! We're having a baby girl!"

Evan looks to Jessica with tears in his eyes and he bends down and gives Jessica a kiss.

When they pull away, Jessica was crying tears of joy. She giggled with happiness. Although, she knew either way, if it had been a boy, she would still be an emotional mess.

Dr. Davis smile and took a some stills for them then she gave Jessica some napkins to wipe her belly clean of the gel used during the ultrasound.

Dr. Davis goes a few things to remember then sends them on their way. Evan collects the ultrasound photos on the way out.

As they walked out of the doctors office, Jessica and Evan were beyond happy. They decided to celebrate and have lunch at Jessica's favorite restaurant.

Once they got home, Jessica lays on the sofa feeling a bit tired. They didn't have to be at Sarah's until 7 pm for dinner, so she decided to take a little nap. Evan kissed her forehead then left her alone to rest.

Evan walked into the kitchen and got a glass of water. He then sat down at the kitchen table and smiled. His thoughts were on that tiny being growing inside his wife's womb. His daughter.

He reached over and took the ultrasound photos that were sticking out of Jessica's purse.

He looked down the photos and his smile grew. "I know I have a lot to learn. But I can't wait to meet you. My little princess, daddy will always be there for you. I love you."

Back at the bookstore, Emma was helping a costumer and Sarah was at the cash register. They were closing the store early so Sarah can make dinner.

Once some costumers leave and there were only two costumers left in the store, Sarah went over to Emma.

"Hey, Emma." Sarah said.
Emma turned and smiled. "Hey."
"I wanted to tell you that, we are having dinner at my house tonight. Jessica is going to tell us the baby's gender! Want to join us?" Sarah said.

"Um...I'm sorry, but I can't tonight." Emma said uncomfortably. "I have plans with my boyfriend.
"Oh...well, that's okay. He can come too." Sarah suggested.

Emma shook her head. "No, he...he's very shy with new people and...I think it's just best if I pass on dinner with you all tonight. Maybe next time." Emma said.
"Well, alright." Sarah said defeated. "Hopefully next time you can join us."
"Yeah, definitely." Emma replied.

Later that night, Emma rushed home. She quickly put away her things then she walked over to the kitchen. She began dinner and made something that would cook fast.

When the food was done, Emma breathes a sigh of relief. She made it in time before her boyfriend got home.

Soon the front door opened and Emma's body went stiff.

"Babe! You home?" A man's voice said. "You better be and my dinner better be ready."
"Of course. I just served you a plate." Emma replied quietly. "What would you like to drink?"
"I'll take a beer. Now that's more like it." The man said. "See what happens when you listen. You won't be hit anymore when you finally realize that I am your number one priority."

Emma nodded; she decided to just go along with whatever her boyfriend said.

For a moment, she wondered where everything went wrong. Her boyfriend wasn't always like this.

When they first met, he was so sweet and gentle. Then Emma began doing well school and work, and having friends from the bookstore. She had a life other than the one she had with her boyfriend.

He saw how she was more confident and more outgoing than she used to be and he was jealous. He wanted her to quit school and her job at the bookstore. He also wanted her to be the perfect housewife and stay home.

Emma walked over to the refrigerator as she continued her inner monologue. She knew she needed to get out of this relationship but she don't know how.

She grabbed then opened the bottle of beer and walked over to her boyfriend. She placed the beer in front of him and said. "Here's your beer, Max. Do you need anything else?"
"Nah. You can serve yourself now and join me." Max said.

Emma nodded and went about serving herself some food. She then walked over to the table and sat down next to Max.

Emma ate her food in silence as Max went on about his day.

Please, God. Help me get away from this situation. Emma prayed silently. I want to be away from Max. I don't love him like I used to. He's no longer the man I fell in love with. I can't go on like this for much longer.

"Okay, everyone!" Jessica said after they ate dinner. "The baby cooperated today and showed us what they are."

Phil has joined Sarah, Lily, Jessica and Evan for dinner. They had invited Emily and Michael, but of course they didn't show up.

"For dessert, Evan and I decided to bring a cake." Jessica said as Evan placed the cake in the middle of the table. "When we cut this cake, you will all either see the color pink or blue. Everyone ready?"

Everyone nodded their heads excitedly and Jessica made the first cut to the cake. Then finally Jessica put the piece of cake on a plate then lifted into the air so everyone could see.

Sarah jumped up and rushed over to Jessica and gave her a hug. "Oh my gosh! Jess! You're having a girl!"
Jessica's giggled through her tears. "I'm so excited!" She replied.

Phil was having his own moment. He watched the scene before him; after Sarah gave her congratulations, it was Lily's turn. Then Evan wrapped an arm around Jessica's shoulders and kissed the side of her head. With his free hand, he placed it on her belly and rubbed it gently. Jessica smiled at Evan and kissed his lips. Phil felt so proud of his son.

Evan then looked over at his father and asked. "What do you think, dad? You're having a granddaughter."

Phil smiled wide then stood up from his seat. He walked over to Evan and gave him a huge hug.

"Evan...I am so happy for you and Jessica." Phil said. "I can't wait to meet my little granddaughter."

Phil then hugs Jessica and said. "Thank you so much, Jessica for loving my son unconditionally. Thank you for giving him a life I had only ever dreamed of for him. The two of you will be amazing parents. I just know it."

Jessica had tears rolling down her cheeks. She felt so blessed to have the life she has now. She still felt the pain of losing Danny, but she knew Danny sent her Evan and now, she believed Danny has sent another gift for her and that was her daughter.

Thank you for sending me Evan, Danny. She thought to herself. But don't forget, I will always love you.

I am so so sorry for the delay on this story. Didn't plan to take so long to update.

Two weeks ago, one of my uncles passed away. Then of course with the funeral, then traveling out of town and being with family, I didn't have time to write anything. I tried though.

It was tough to get the motivation to write and update but, I hope this chapter made up for being gone for so long.

New chapter coming soon!😊❤️

P.S. I hope you all like Emma's side story. I hope it doesn't take away from the story but I promise I'm going somewhere with it.

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