A Silent Prayer

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Evan spoke to his father that night about working for Jessica every Saturday.

Phil thought it was best to teach Evan how to work hard and how make his own money. He knew that one day he and his wife would no longer be there for Evan so, when Evan told him about the job Jessica offered, he said yes.

Evan has been working for Hank's construction company for the past two years. So, Phil thought that this new job as gardener/handyman was a great for Evan to earn a little extra money.

Phil called Jessica and told her that the answer was yes. He would drop Evan off at 10:15 am every Saturday morning.

Evan left out the part about Jessica teaching him how to read. The reason being that if he failed, he wouldn't have to disappoint his parents yet again. If Jessica was successful, then it would be a nice surprise to give his parents.

*One month later, April*

Evan went to Jessica's every Saturday. Evan would work for an hour or two then Jessica would feed Evan some lunch. Then he would finish up his work for the day.

During their lunch time, Jessica would teach Evan to read. They would sit at the patio table or Jessica would spread a blanket under a tree and they would have a picnic.

During their first reading lesson, Evan got flustered and upset. He was close to tears when he wasn't able to say the simplest words.

"Evan. Evan!" Jessica said sternly as she saw Evan was getting upset. "It's okay. Everything's alright. Don't get upset. This is just our first lesson, you will get better. I promise."

Evan looked into Jessica's eyes and he immediately calmed down. He could see in Jessica's eyes that she was telling him the truth.

He took a deep breath and continued on learning different words.

Now that they were five weeks in, and Evan felt so much better. He still struggled but he was getting better.

Jessica was really patient with Evan and would encourage him. Encouragement and patience were the two things that his school teachers never gave Evan.

"Good job, Evan." Jessica said. "I think some time soon you'll be able to tell your parents that you know how to read."
"Yeah! Wow...I can't believe I'm actually doing it!" Evan said excitedly. His eyes were filled with happy tears. "Thank you, Jessica for teaching me."
"You're very welcome, Evan." Jessica said with smile.

Evan looked at Jessica with a smile. He couldn't help this new feeling that was arising within him. He was truly grateful that Jessica was doing this for him. He thought that Jessica was truly an angel sent from heaven.

Evan shook his head of his thoughts and continued with his reading lesson.

Soon, it was time for Evan to go home. Evan walked to his father's truck and passed Sarah on the way.

Sarah said a quick hello then walked to the backyard where she knew Jessica would be.

Jessica was folding the picnic blanket and saw Sarah walking towards her. She smiled and said. "Good afternoon, Sarah."
"Good afternoon, Jess." Sarah said. "So, is that cutie your new handyman?"
"Sarah...." Jessica chuckled. "His name is Evan and yes. He's my new handyman. He's a great worker."
"He must work hard and lift some heavy things. I can tell he has some nice muscles underneath his t-shirt." Sarah said slyly.
"Behave, Paulson!" Jessica said. "One, I haven't noticed. Two, he's way too young for me to even think of him that way and three...three, I have said before. I am not interested in falling in love again." She held the blanket in her arms and continued. "Also, Evan is different. He's sweet and innocent. I would never look at him as anything but a friend."

Sarah sighed and nodded. "I know. I'm sorry. You know I mess with you a lot about dating. I just want you to be happy again."
Jessica had tears in her eyes as she thought about living without Danny. "I'm trying, Sarah. Maybe I'll take a trip so I can find myself again. I need to learn how to live without Danny. As of now, I'm just existing."

Jessica started to sob and Sarah quickly hugged Jessica. Jessica sobbed into Sarah's shoulder.

Sarah held onto Jessica as tightly as she could. "It's okay, Jess. Just let it out."

Jessica did just that. She sobbed her heart out like she had never done before. Jessica didn't know why she was so suddenly an emotional mess.

After a moment, Sarah had to lead Jessica inside the house and into the living room.

They sat on the sofa and Sarah was comforting Jessica the best she could.

After a few minutes, Jessica began to calm down and just held onto Sarah. She was so glad Sarah was there for her. She and Sarah were more than best friends. They were sisters.

They were both quiet, each lost in their own thoughts. Jessica was thinking about Danny and Sarah was sending a silent prayer up to the heavens.

Danny, please help Jessica be happy again. Sarah thought. She deserves to be happy. Danny....please send her something or someone so she could start to live again. Please!

Sorry for the short update!
More to come soon!

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