Best Friends

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Later that night, Lily and Sarah brought dinner over for the new parents. They joined Jessica and Evan for dinner.

After, Sarah walked next door to bring Lola over. But before doing so, Sarah held out Victoria's baby blanket she had been wrapped in and let Lola sniff it.

Sarah let Lola sniff for a few minutes then she and Lola made their way to Jessica's house.

Lola got excited that she was going home and she was prancing her front paws up and down in excitement as she waited for Sarah to open the door.

When the door opened, Lola rushed inside. She of course could smell Jessica and she ran for the living room.

Lola spotted Jessica but stopped beside her when she saw a bundle of blankets in Jessica's arms. Lola hesitated and whined a bit.

"It's okay sweet girl." Jessica said soothingly. "It's okay. Come here, Lola. Come meet your baby sister."

Jessica smiled after Lola and held a hand out letting Lola know it was okay to come closer.

Lola walked forward slowly and sniffed the bundle of blankets. Victoria moves her little hand making it pop out of the blanket. Lola backs off for a second then sniffs her tiny hand.

Jessica smiles on as Lola is slowly becoming comfortable with Victoria. Jessica pets her head and Lola finally becomes more interested in seeing the baby.

Jessica moves the blanket and Lola finally takes in Victoria. Lola finally realizes this is another person. A very tiny person and in that moment, she feels the need to protect her.

Lola gently lays her head on Victoria's body and is mesmerized. Sarah snaps a picture with Jessica's camera and everyone in the room smiles at the scene before them.

Lola stays that way until Victoria begins stir awake. She lets out a cry and Lola moves away not used to the loud noise.

"It's alright, Lola." Jessica says. "Victoria just needs a diaper change then she'll be okay. Although, you're going to have to get used to her crying, sweet girl." She chuckled.

Sarah volunteers to change Victoria's diaper leaving Evan and Jessica sitting in the couch. Lola jumps up and lays her head on Jessica's lap.

Jessica strokes Lola's fur and Lola whines a bit. "Aw, Lola. You're okay. Just because we have a new baby doesn't mean I will stop loving you. You will always be my baby." She says lovingly. "I love you so so much!"

Lola lifts her head and her tail wags and her tongue hangs out happily. She licks Jessica face and Jessica laughs. They stay that way until Sarah comes back with Victoria.

Jessica is once again holding Victoria in her arms and Lola looks on. Victoria was awake now and was looking up at her mother.

After a moment of accessing the scene before, Lola barks once then lays back down close to Jessica. Victoria flinched a little at Lola's bark but she soon relaxed and cooed.

Lola lifts her head up towards Victoria and once again laid her head on Victoria.

"Awe...that is so precious. I just know you two will be best friends." Jessica says emotionally.

Soon, Sarah and Lily left the family of four and the Peters first night at home went well. Victoria so far was an easy going baby. She only cried when she needed a diaper change or when she was hungry.

Lola did well and quickly got used to the baby's crying. She would stay close Victoria and even slept close to her bassinet making sure the baby was okay.

Evan so far, was doing well; he still helped by only carrying the baby and passing her to Jessica whenever she needed feeding or a new diaper. He also would have that one on one moments with Victoria. But he sat by Jessica during these times. Even when she was asleep, he still needed to have her close for reassurance.

The next morning, Sarah and Emma brought brought breakfast over and got to visit and hold Victoria.

As Jessica and Sarah talked, Emma held Victoria in her arms. She looked down at the sleeping baby and for a moment, she second guessed her decision about giving her baby up for adoption.

But then she looked up at Sarah then back at Victoria and knew she was making the right decision. She knew she couldn't raise a baby right now on her own and wasn't ready to be a mother.

Soon, they said goodbye and Evan and Jessica were left alone with their baby girl once again.

Jessica was currently nursing Victoria and Evan sat next to her. Evan smiled at his beautiful wife and leaned over to kiss her.

Jessica felt Evan kiss her cheek. She smiled and turned towards him. She kissed his lips then leaned into him.

Evan held her close and said. "I love you, Jessica."
"I love you too, Evan." Jessica replied.

"Also, Jess...thank you for giving me the world." Evan said.

Tears of happiness appeared in her eyes and she once again kissed Evan's lips.

Sorry for an uneventful chapter but I'm trying to continue this story and needed a filler type chapter to get things going.

More to come soon!❤️

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