How Was It?

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Before they knew it, it was time to finally go home.

Phil was in a much better place and he felt confident to go home. He knew he needed to be strong for Evan and be there for his son until it was his time to go. However long that may be.

Jessica went back to her house to unpack all her things.

After she unpacked, she saw that it was still early so she went to the bookstore to check in. Plus, she knew Sarah would be working and she wanted to see her best friend.

When she arrived, she greeted Sarah in a huge hug. She really needed Sarah and Sarah could tell.

They pulled apart and walked upstairs to the employee area. The store was doing well and another employees had everything under control.

Jessica and Sarah sit on the sofa and Jessica tells Sarah everything that had happened. Even about the kiss Evan gave her.

Sarah was shocked, her eyes grew wide but she relaxed soon after.

"Wow!" Sarah said. "He kissed you! Oh my goodness. Jess, this is great! How was it?"
"Sarah! It's not great!" Jessica said. "I should have pushed him away but I...I..."
"You feel something for him don't you?" Sarah asked.

Jessica looked away from Sarah's gaze. Jessica didn't want to admit her feelings to Sarah.

She turned back to Sarah and said. "I can't have these feelings for him, Sarah. I love Danny and I would never betray him by being with someone else. By loving someone else. Plus, Evan is different and he is 25 years old. I'm 46 years old for gods sake! It'll never work out between us. We're better off as just friends."

Sarah studied Jessica for a moment and right away she could tell that Jessica really liked Evan.

Sarah smiled warmly at Jessica and gently took Jessica's hands in hers. " could never betray Danny. Even if you moved on with someone else, you wouldn't be betraying him. Danny loved you with all his heart. We all saw it. His love for you just radiated off of him. I believe that Danny would want you to move on and find someone else to love. He wouldn't have wanted you to live the rest of your life alone. I know that deep, deep down you know that to be true."

Jessica just listened to every word Sarah was saying. Tears rolled down her cheeks as Sarah continued.

"Maybe Evan is the one." Sarah said. "Maybe not. But, Jess...I see it in your eyes. There's this spark that I haven't seen in a while. When you speak or think about Evan, that's when I see it. Sure the love you have for Danny will never diminish, but I'm sure the love you may have for Evan is strong enough for you to go on. Of course your love for Evan will be very different from the love you had for Danny. From what you told me, it sounds like Evan loves you. Also, so what! Yes, Evan is different and age is just a number. I think your relationship could work if you choose to take the next step."

Jessica shook her head and said in a whisper. "I don't know."
"And that's okay." Sarah said gently. "You don't have to figure everything out in this moment. Just think about everything I said. If it happens, let it happen. If not, then it wasn't meant to be."

Jessica sighed and nodded her head. She hugged Sarah and said. "Thank you, Sar. You're the best."
"Yes, I know." Sarah said causing Jessica to chuckle. "Are you staying or are you going home?"
"I'm going to stay." Jessica said as she wiped her tears away. "I know you handled everything while I was gone. But, I want to catch up and see if there is anything that needs to be ordered and such."
"Alright, sounds good." Sarah said as she stood up.

The rest the day, Jessica hung out at the bookstore and caught up on whatever needed to be caught up on.

Also throughout her day, Jessica thought a lot about her situation. By the end of the day, Jessica decided to just remain friends with Evan.

"It would be better for all of us, if we remain friends." She thought.

Here's a short chapter so I won't leave y'all hanging for too long.

More to come soon!

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