Happy Birthday

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As time passed, Evan took great care of Jessica. Especially during her moments when she had to run to the bathroom because of morning sickness. He had hated to see Jessica get so sick.

Now, Jessica has made it to her second trimester. She felt a little relieved to have made this far. She still worried that something would happen, but, she was trying to take things one day at a time.

The morning sickness was now gone and a small bump appeared. Jessica's hand was glued to it. The bump could still be hidden by her clothing.

She has also felt the baby move but the baby hasn't kicked yet. She couldn't wait for that moment to come.

She was now twelve weeks pregnant and today was April 20th, her birthday.

Evan had woken up early and made her some pancakes with some eggs on the side. He squeezed some fresh orange for her and the last touch was some whip cream with some sprinkles then he added a candle on top of the stack of pancakes.

He put everything on a tray then walked upstairs to their bedroom.

He opened the door with his foot and walked into the bedroom. He placed the tray on the dresser for a moment then walked over to Jessica's side of the bed.

He sat down and leaned in to kiss Jessica. His hand then rubbed her shoulder and Jessica stirred.

Jessica's eyes fluttered open. She smiled at Evan and stretched a little. She looked at the tray of food and sat up.

"Oh, Evan!" She said. "This looks amazing! Thank you, honey." She motioned for him to come closer to her. Evan did so and she was able to place a kiss on his lips.

"Happy Birthday, Jessica." Evan said as he placed the tray on Jessica lap. "How are you this morning? How's baby Peters?" He then placed a hand on her very small bump.

Jessica placed her hand on top of Evan's and said. "We're both doing well." She smiled then continued. "Evan, tonight we can finally tell everyone about the baby."

Sarah and Lily were making a small get together dinner for Jessica. They invited Phil, Emily and Michael to join them to help celebrate Jessica's birthday. Also, a few employees from the bookstore.

"Yeah!" He said happily. "I think my dad will so so happy. Emily too!"

Jessica smiled; she wasn't sure what Emily's retraction would be. It took them a while to be on even ground and be okay with each other. She was worried Emily wouldn't be happy for them.

Evan sat beside Jessica and lit the candle that was on top of the pancakes. He sang Happy Birthday to her. After, Jessica was about to blow out the candle but, Evan stopped her.

"Wait! You have to make a wish." He said.
"Oh! Yeah, I forgot." She giggled.

Jessica closed her eyes and made her wish. She wished that her baby would be okay and be born healthy. That's all she wanted.

Lola sat close by and wagged her tail happily as she watched what was going on. Even though, Lola has no idea what was going on, she could feel the atmosphere as being happy.

Jessica opened her eyes after making her wish then she blew out the candle. Evan cheered then they both relaxed and ate their breakfast together.

After breakfast, Jessica had a very relaxing morning. She even fell back to sleep for another hour.

Evan took care of washing the dishes and putting everything away.

Once Jessica woke up, she took a shower then got dressed. Evan was already dressed for the day and was waiting for Jessica in the living room.

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