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After some time, Victoria began to fuss; it was time for another feeding.

Jessica looked around and saw that they were still alone. There were people at the cemetery but they were yards away from them.

So, Jessica got herself comfortable then she pulled down her blouse and brought Victoria to her breast. Victoria suckled away.

They spend a little more time visiting Julie while Victoria nursed. After Jessica burped her, they say goodbye to Julie and soon they made their way back to the car.

Sitting in the passenger seat once Jessica buckled Victoria into her car seat, Evan watched Julie's gravestone fade away.

When Evan couldn't see it anymore he turned around and looked ahead through the windshield. He had a small smile on his face.

As they drove away, Evan just felt this weight lift off his shoulders. He knew things weren't going to be easy, but he knew with his mother looking down on him and with Jessica's guidance, he can get through anything.

*Two months old*

"Sarah, I don't want to do this!" Jessica said sadly as she held Victoria in her arms.
"I know you don't but...." Sarah began.
"I know! I know I need to do this." Jessica replied. "It must be done."

Jessica looked down at Victoria who was wide awake. She was looking right up at her mother. A tiny yawn escaping her tiny lips.

Jessica smiled then her smile faded. "I am so sorry for what's going to happen today my sweet girl." She sighed, "Today you will be getting some shots. They are going to hurt but you're going to be brave, right?"

Victoria of course didn't know what her mother was saying. She just stayed looking up at Jessica and let out another tiny yawn.

Jessica's heart melted and she placed a kiss on Victoria's chubby cheek.

"Alright, let's get going." Jessica said as she placed Victoria in her car seat.

Today, Jessica has been dreading this day. Victoria will be going to her new pediatrician to get her shots that newborns need to get between 1-2 months old.

Evan wasn't able to go since he's been back at work at the construction site. So, Sarah said she would take Jessica and the baby to their appointment. After the appointment, they were going to get some lunch.

They grabbed their purses and baby bag then they are off. Sarah helped Jessica by carrying the car seat while Jessica locked up her house.

They then go over to Sarah's driveway and walk over to her car. The part of baby's car seat that connected to the actual car seat was already placed in Sarah's back seat securely. So all that needed to be done was snap the car seat into place.

They then get into the car, buckle themselves in and they were off.

"So, how's Evan doing?" Sarah asked.
"He's doing much better." Jessica replied, "He has his moments of course but things are much better none the less. He's helping much more around the house and with Victoria. He is back at work. He's sleeping better. I am so grateful for the owlet. It's truly the best thing that's ever happened to us."

"I'm so glad to hear that." Sarah said, "I was worried there for a while. Not going to lie."
"Me too." Jessica nodded, "I'm glad Evan finally told me the truth about how he was feeling. I can't even imagine what that is like especially with the way his mind works."

Sarah nodded; she knew how much Evan struggled to understand some things, so it must have been a nightmare working through his feelings about Victoria ending up like him.

The rest of the drive was spent with light conversation.

When they arrived at the doctors office, Jessica just held Victoria close to her as they sat in the waiting room. Sarah sat next to her and flipped through a magazine. Victoria was dozing off but Jessica tried to keep her up.

"Victoria Peters." A nurse called out to the waiting room.

Jessica took a deep breath and stood up. Sarah put down the magazine on the table in front of her then stood up. She grabbed the diaper bag and followed Jessica.

The nurse tells Jessica to take off the baby's clothes and wait for the doctor.

Jessica does what the nurse said but kept Victoria wrapped in her blanket. It was cold in the room they were told to wait in.

A few minutes later, there was a knock on the door then the doctor came in.

"Hello, my name is Dr. Lewis." The doctor said. She had wavy brown hair and green eyes. "You must be Jessica. Victoria's mother."
"Yes." Jessica replied, "Nice to meet you."
"Nice to meet you too." Dr. Lewis said shaking Jessica's hand. "And this must be Victoria."

Jessica smiled and nodded.

"Alright, we are going to be doing a check up to make sure Victoria is hitting all her milestones and check her weight." Dr. Lewis said, "And of course, we will be doing four shots today."

Jessica pouted not looking forward to her baby girl being in pain. But she nodded knowing this had to be done. Jessica handed over the baby to Dr. Lewis but stayed close by. Victoria doing well so far.

After checking on the baby's heart and such, Dr. Lewis gave the baby back to Jessica.

"Everything is going beautifully." Dr Lewis said, "Victoria is one healthy baby. Her weight is where it should be. Now, for the not so pleasant part."

A nurse walked in with a tray of needles. Jessica held Victoria a little tighter.

"Mrs. Peters, you can have a seat and hold Victoria while we do this." The doctor said.

Jessica sat down next to Sarah and her heart began to beat faster. Sarah placed a comforting hand on Jessica's shoulder.

Victoria sat on her mother's lap comfortably, her eyes fluttering closed. She gave a small yawn.

"Okay, here we go." Dr. Lewis said as she gave Victoria her first shot.

Victoria eyes opened wide, sleep far from her mind now. The second shot is when she started to cry.

Jessica tried to comfort her but nothing was working. Tears rolled down Jessica's and Victoria's cheeks. Victoria's cry loud and strong.

"And we're done!" Dr. Lewis speaks up.

Jessica stands up and turns Victoria so she could hold her close. She rubs the baby's back and tells her that it will be okay.

"If Victoria gets a fever, which she may certainly get later, just give her some baby Tylenol." Dr. Lewis said, "Just make sure she is comfortable and she will be fine."

Dr. Lewis then walked over to a drawer and pulled something out. She then walked over to Jessica who putting the baby's clothes on.

Sarah wished there was something she could do more to comfort her best friend. But knew there was nothing much to do.

"This is for you." Dr. Lewis gave Jessica a warm smile. She handed Jessica a lollipop. "I know this was much harder for you than it was for Victoria. So you deserve a treat."

Victoria had calmed down but was still a little fussy.

Jessica looked at the lollipop then at Dr. Lewis. She chuckled as she wiped the tears from her eyes. "Thank you." She took the lollipop into hand.
Dr. Lewis nodded then said goodbye.

Jessica looked at the lollipop and even though this was a small gesture, it made her feel a tiny bit better.

She then put the lollipop in her purse and continued to dress Victoria. The baby had a pout in her lips, tiny tears still rolling down her cheeks.

Jessica's heart broke again then picked her up into her arms. "It's okay baby girl. You're okay now." In a soft voice. "Mommy will make it all better. I know a lot of people won't agree with me, but you can have a small lick of my lollipop."

Sarah laughed and so did Jessica.

Here's a small chapter to get back into the swing of things. Hope you all enjoyed it.

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