A Day At The Beach House

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It was Saturday and it was the day of Emily's wedding.

Evan was told the plan during the week and he was excited about spending time with Jessica. He packed an overnight bag and since Jessica lived near the beach, he packed his swim suit. He was hoping Jessica wouldn't mind.

Before they knew it, the wedding ceremony was over. Emily and Michael were now married.

They took photos outside the church with their families.

Jessica had parked across the street waiting patiently for Evan. Lola was in the backseat with her head hanging out of the window.

Finally after taking pictures with his family, Evan saw Jessica and smiled. Phil noticed Jessica waiting in her car.

Evan said goodbye to everyone and followed Phil. Phil had Evan's bag in his hand.

Jessica got out of her car as they approached her. She smiled and greeted them.

"Thank you, Jessica for doing this." Phil said as he handed her the bag.
"It's no problem." Jessica said as she took the bag from him. "We'll be back tomorrow evening."

Phil nodded then turned to Evan and said. "You be a good boy, okay?"
"Yes, sir." Evan replied.

Evan took his bag from Jessica and walked over to the passenger seat. Jessica then got into her car.

Jessica turned her car on then she drove away from the church. As she drove to the beach house, Jessica has her favorite music playing.

"You look very nice in your tux, Evan. Very handsome." Jessica complimented. "You're sister looked beautiful."
"Yeah! She was really beautiful." Evan said. "You look beautiful too."

Jessica blushed; she didn't think she looked beautiful. It had been three years since she had been called that. Danny would always tell her every single day how beautiful she was.

Jessica shook Danny from her thoughts for now and said. "Ah, thank you."

Evan smiled at Jessica then turned to look at the window. The rest of the drive was spent in comfortable silence. They listened to the music that was playing.

A few minutes later, Evan asked. "Who is this? I like how this sounds."

Can you hear me calling
Out your name?
You know that I'm falling
And I don't know what to say
I'll speak a little louder
I'll even shout
You know that I'm proud
And I can't get the words out

Oh ah, I want to be with you everywhere
Oh ah, I want to be with you everywhere...

"It's a band called Fleetwood Mac. They're my favorite." Jessica said as she nodded her head to the beat of the song.

Evan smiled and nodded along to the music as well.

"I have more of their albums at the beach house. We can listen to some after we finish with everything." Jessica said.
"Great!" Evan said excitedly.

Once they arrived at the beach house, Evan gets out and grabs his bag. Jessica gets out and grabs her bags as well. Lola jumps down and waits for Jessica.

Lola was a good dog and well trained. She didn't need a leash and always waited for Jessica's lead.

Jessica then locks her car then walks to her beach house. Lola and Evan were following close behind.

This beach house was a gift from Danny. Jessica and Danny would spend every weekend there. It was their getaway home.

When Danny died, Jessica would go occasionally but not as often as she used to. So she knew that the beach house needed to have some work done.

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