I Try

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Evan has calmed down a lot and hugged Jessica. He then pulled away and kissed her lips. Jessica smiled and kissed him back.

"I should have told you what was going on." Evan sighs. "I'm sorry."
"It's okay." Jessica said. "There's nothing to be sorry about. You were worried and scared for our baby girl. We will figure out a way for you to have a peace of mind at night so you can get some sleep. But for now, let's go downstairs and spend time with your father and Victoria."

Evan smiled and nodded. He took hold of Jessica's hand and guided her out of the room.

They walk downstairs and Phil smiled at them. "Everything alright?"
"Yeah, dad. Everything is fine now." Evan said. "I told Jessica everything I've been feeling. She's going to help me not be afraid so much."

"That's great." Phil said with a smile. "I'll help too if I can."

Jessica nodded and asked. "How was she?"
"She was an Angel." Phil replied. "She was awake for a bit then fell asleep."

Jessica smiled then she and Evan sat down.

Phil continues to hold Victoria as they all talk. The atmosphere has changed and Evan felt much better than before. He still afraid but he knew Jessica would find a way to help him.

The next day, Sarah, Lily and Emma were over for dinner.

Jessica had told Sarah what Evan was going through and Sarah had an idea. Evan was in the kitchen serving everyone while every one else was sitting in the dining room.

"Jess, Lily and I have been reading a lot of baby books and magazines to get ready for our baby. I read a magazine earlier today that had an ad for this new baby monitor." Sarah said. "It even had an article about it and it had so many positive reviews."

Jessica was intrigued and waited for Sarah to continue.

"It's called the Owlet baby monitor." Sarah said. "It helps track the baby's heart rate and oxygen levels at night. That way if there was to be a change it'll alert you and Evan."

"Wow, that sounds great." Jessica said. "I think that will be something positive to help not only Evan but also me. Where can I get it?"
"I think at any baby store but I will find out and let you know." Sarah said with a reassuring smile.
"Thank you, Sarah." Jessica smiled.

Just then, Evan came into the dining room with two plates in his hands.

"Evan, let me help you." Jessica said.
"No it's okay, Jess." Evan replied. "You all just sit back and relax." He smiled and gave Jessica and Lily a plate first then rushed out to the kitchen to grab two more plates.

Victoria was sleeping in her bassinet close by.

Evan returned and gave Sarah and Emma their plate then he went back to grab his plate. Their beverages were already served and in front of them so as soon as Evan sat down everyone thanked him.

"You're welcome." He smiled.

They then eat their meal and have casual conversation.

By the end of the night, Jessica and Sarah, and Lily tried to help Evan wash dishes, but he was determined to do it on his own.

By the end of the night, Evan had done everything on his own. Jessica was so proud of him. She made sure to tell him so.

That night before bed, Jessica encouraged Evan to carry Victoria after her feeding and just spend time with her.

Evan talked to Victoria and apologized to her for not being a good father. Jessica of course didn't feel that way but Evan felt the need to say it.

Once the baby was fast asleep, Evan kissed her forehead then gently laid her down in her bassinet.

Evan then softly laid his hand on the baby's chest to make sure she was breathing. He relaxed a little then laid next Jessica. She smiled at him and kissed his lips.

"You're a good daddy, Evan." She said softly.
"I try." He whispered.

They kiss once more then they both stay up and talk for a bit. Jessica was able to calm him down some more. She also made sure Evan fell asleep before her.

She smiled at his sleeping form. She gently brushed his hair with her hand and just watched him sleep for a bit.

She then kissed his cheek before she closed her eyes and finally fell asleep.

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