I Promise

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"Jessica, she's so precious." Sarah said, tears rolling down her cheeks but with a smile on her face.

Jessica nodded in agreement but her gaze stayed on her baby girl. Jessica took in her beautiful face and was in awe. Jessica got to spend a little time with her baby girl before she was taken to be checked out.

Before the other doctor could take the baby, Dr. Davis asked Evan if he wanted to cut the umbilical cord.

Evan nodded and smiled wide. Dr. Davis gave him some surgical scissors and Evan cut his daughter's umbilical cord. Evan felt so proud of the fact that he was able to push his fears away and be there for Jessica. And of course, this moment of cutting the umbilical cord.

"Baby girl Peters born October 12th at 7:18 pm." Dr. Peters said. "Now let's see how much she weighs and make sure she's okay."

Jessica nodded then gave the baby a kiss on the top of her head before letting the other doctor take the baby. While the baby was being checked over, Jessica was able to deliver the afterbirth.

Once Jessica was done, Sarah left the room to update everyone in the waiting room while the nurses helped Jessica get cleaned up then moved into a new room.

They soon got her settled in a postpartum room and they rolled the baby in a hospital bassinet.

Jessica was sitting up on her bed and the other doctor that checked the baby was now handing Jessica her baby girl.

"Here you go, mommy." The doctor said with a smile as he laid the baby in her arms. "You have a very healthy baby girl. She weighs 7 pounds, 12 ounces and 19 inches."

Jessica took her baby girl into her arms and smiled down. They baby was now wrapped in a blanket and wore a little hat that had a bow attached to it.

After getting them settled, the doctors and nurses left to give them some time alone so they could bond with the baby.

"Hello, my sweet girl." Jessica said as she once again took in the baby's features. Evan sat next to Jessica with an arm around her. He looked down at his daughter and felt so much love in his heart. "My sweet Victoria Juliet." Jessica went on.

The baby was sleeping peacefully now and only stirred when Jessica gently rubbed her cheek with her thumb. Jessica smiled down, tears of joy rolling down her cheeks.

For a moment, Jessica thought about Danny and Noah. She closed her eyes for a moment and thought to herself, "Thank you, Danny and Noah, my sweet sweet baby boy for taking such good care of Victoria for me. I love you both so very much."

She opened her eyes and she and Evan continued to bond with their baby.

In the corner of the room, Danny and Noah smiled wide. Danny carried Noah in his arms and they stood still watching the scene before them.

"You're welcome, mommy!" Noah said excitedly.
Danny chuckled at his son.

"Mommy looks so happy, Daddy!" Noah said. "My baby sister made mommy so so happy!"
"Mommy is very happy, bud." Danny said. "She's been sad for too long."
"My baby sister is sooooo cute!" Noah said proudly.
"She is the cutest!" Danny replied.

Danny has tears of both sadness and joy in his eyes. He does wish he was still alive and that he was with Jessica, but he knew that this was Jessica's destiny. And being with Noah where they live now was his destiny.

"Daddy...I feel a little sad." Noah said sadly.
"Why buddy?" Danny asked.
"Because...because I wish I was able to know mommy. I mean, I do know her, but, I wish she could have held me in her arms too. I wish I could have known what her hugs really felt like." Noah said with a heavy sigh.
"I wish that for you too." Danny said sadly.

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