A Dilemma

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Jessica's birthday came and went. She was now 46 years old. Sarah and Lily threw her a birthday party at the bookstore.

Jessica thanked everyone who helped her celebrate her birthday. She could see all the people who truly cared about her.

Her past two birthdays were just spent with Sarah and Lily at her home. This year, Sarah wanted to do something more. She was glad Jessica wasn't mad at her for throwing her an actual birthday party.

Jessica was once again grateful to Sarah and Lily for caring so much about her. She did have a good time at her party but as soon as she got home and was alone, the reality of Danny not being there for yet another birthday hit her hard. She spent the rest of her night crying in bed.

One Saturday afternoon, Evan was crying tears of joy. He learned how to read and he was now able to do it without stuttering.

"Jessica! Can you take me home please? I need to show my mom and dad that I can read!" Evan said.
Jessica smiled wide at Evan's success and said. "Sure! You're done for the day. Let's go!"

Jessica drove Evan to his house. Evan held the book he was reading in hands. He couldn't wait to show his parents this new development.

Michael was over at the Peter's house. He and his parents, Robert and Alice were also there. The two sets of parents were going over last minutes things for the wedding.

Emily and Michael decided to rush their wedding date and would get married in a week. They had had a month to plan the wedding.

They were all in the living room talking and Julie was about to make some tea when Evan burst through the door. Jessica followed close behind.

"Mom! Dad! I have something to show you!" Evan exclaimed. "Oh...hello." He said to Michael's parents.

"Hello." Robert and Alice replied in unison.

"What's going on, Evan?" Julie asked in concern.
"Before I say anything, this is Jessica Huston." Evan said as he gestured to Jessica.

"Finally I get to meet you!" Julie said as she shook Jessica's hand. "Thank you for giving my son a job."
"It's no problem. He's a hard worker and he does a great job. Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt." Jessica said as she noticed that Evan's parents had guests. "Evan, maybe we could do this another time."
"No! This will only take a moment." Evan said as he turned to his parents.

"Okay, son. The floor is all yours." Phil said.

Evan smiled then stood in front of everyone. He opened the book to the page he wanted to read.

He cleared his throat and began.

"Look at me!
Look at me!
Look at me now!
It is fun to have fun
But...you have...to know how.
I can...hold...up a cup
And the milk and the cake!
I can hold up these books!
And the fish on a rake!
I can hold the toy ship
And the little toy man!
And look! With my tail
I can hold a red fan!
I can fan...with the fan
As I hop on the ball!
But that is not all
Oh no.
That is not all..."

Evan looked up and his smile was wide. He felt so proud of himself for learning how to read. He was definitely a new person and it was all because of Jessica.

"Oh, Evan!" Julie said with tears of joy. She walked over to him and hugged him tight. "You know how to read! I'm so happy."

Phil too had tears of joy. He was speechless. Emily was crying tears of joy as well as she looked at her brother with pride.

Julie turned to Jessica and asked. "You taught him how to read?"
Jessica nodded with a smile. "I did. Every Saturday after he finished with work, I would teach him. I would bring home books from my bookstore to teach him."

Julie walks over to Jessica and hugs her. "His teachers at his school were never able to do that. Wow! Thank you so much, Jessica! This is amazing."
"You're very welcome." Jessica said. "I'm glad I was able to. But, this was all Evan. He did the hard work and it paid off."

After that, Julie offered everyone a cup of tea. Jessica stayed behind in the living room getting to know Phil, Emily and Michael.

Julie went to the kitchen to prepare the tea and Alice went to help.

"Julie, I want to speak to you about something." Alice said.
"Alright. I'm all ears." Julie said.
"It's really wonderful that Evan has learned how to read. He's seems so sweet and...sensitive." Alice said.
"Evan is really sweet and sensitive." Julie replied trying to figure why Alice seemed so guarded.
"It makes me wonder how comfortable it will be for Evan during the all the hustle and bustle of the wedding. I mean, with all the people that will be there. Wouldn't he feel a bit....overwhelmed?" Alice continued.

Julie stopped with what she was doing and looked at Alice. "Well, Emily wouldn't dream having not having her big brother there. Also, Michael chose Evan for one of his groomsmen."
"I didn't mean the ceremony." Alice said. "I was speaking about the reception. Surely the wedding party would be too much for him."

"No. It's just family and close friends. Who we've invited, Evan knows really well and he doesn't have a problem with social gatherings." Julie said.
"Yes, but surely Robert's secretary told you that all of Robert's business associates will be at the reception." Alice said.
"No. I haven't heard anything of the sort." Julie said getting defensive.
"Ugh! Robert should just fire that secretary of his. You should have been told." Alice said. "Well, surely we cannot un-invite Robert's friends." Alice presses on.

Jessica had caught most of the conversation and was livid as to what Alice was saying. But, Jessica knew not to let her anger get the best of her. She just met these people and didn't want to make a scene.

She walked in making her presence known and said. "I'm sorry. I just came in to see if I can be of some help." She said.
"Jessica, you're a guest. Go, sit down and relax." Julie said with a smile.
"Thank you. Uh...I couldn't help but hear your...dilemma." She said looking at Alice with a fixed stare.

Alice couldn't help but recoil from Jessica's stare but didn't say anything.

Jessica then looked at Julie and said. "I have a beach house that I go to from time to time and I'm over due for a visit. Now, I know I have some work for Evan that needs to be done. So, if it's okay. Maybe after the ceremony, I can pick up Evan and he can stay with me at the beach house. That way..." Jessica looks back at Alice and continues. "...Evan won't be an inconvenience to the reception party."

Julie was grateful to Jessica for not only teaching him to read but for sticking up for Evan. She could tell by the glare Jessica was giving Alice, that Alice wasn't Jessica's favorite person at the moment.

"Evan is right. You are angel sent from heaven." Julie said with a warm smile. "Thank you."

Jessica blushed and couldn't help but feel giddy at Evan's comment about her.

Julie then goes back to making tea while Jessica excused herself. Jessica was making her way out of the kitchen when she saw Alice in a corner smiling in triumph.

Jessica saw red but she quickly calmed down. "Count to ten, Jess. This isn't the time to make a scene. Damn it, I wish I wasn't so considerate. I would kick that woman's ass and wipe that smug look off her face!"

Jessica made her way to the living room and decided to leave. She knew Julie would tell Evan about the plan of going to the beach house with her.

Evan hugged Jessica and thanked her again for all she's done for him. As Jessica left, Evan watched as she drove away.

He couldn't stop smiling. He was truly grateful to Jessica for not giving up on him and teaching him to read. Evan was so happy that Jessica had entered his life. He hoped that they would stay friends for years to come.

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