Favorite Spot

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*March 10*

Danny's fourth year death anniversary had arrived. Jessica and Evan arrived at the cemetery, ready to have a picnic.

Evan has visited Danny's grave with Jessica before. It was the day they came back from their honeymoon.

He talked to Danny that day and he promised Danny he would take care of Jessica and treat her the way she deserves to be treated. Evan had so much respect for Danny.

Evan now, laid down a blanket and Jessica set down the picnic basket.

Before they sat down to eat, Jessica cried. It still hurt that Danny was gone, but Evan helped ease that pain a little. Evan held her in his arms but gave her her moment to cry.

After crying for few minutes, Jessica wiped her tears away then lifted her head from Evan's shoulder.

She smiled a little at him then she sat up. She then spoke to Danny as Evan began passing out their sandwiches.

Evan placed a sandwich near Danny's tombstone and smiled. Jessica smiled more and it warmed her heart by Evan's small action.

They eat their sandwiches and talk to each other and Danny. It was a nice day outside and Jessica relished the feeling of the sun and light wind on her face.

For the past few days, Jessica had been feeling under the weather. She had been feeling rundown and exhausted lately. Her sleeping pattern had changed as well and Evan, Sarah and Lily had been worried about her. But today, was a good day for her.

After finishing up their meal, Evan gathered up their trash and threw it at a nearby trashcan. He then packed away everything else in the picnic basket then sat close to Jessica.

At this point, Jessica had yawned and she felt exhausted. She couldn't understand what was happening.

After leaving the cemetery, Jessica drove them home.

Once at home, Jessica went straight to bed and Evan put away things from their picnic.

Evan finished putting everything away and found Jessica sleeping on the sofa in the living room. She didn't even make it upstairs to her bed.

Evan smiled at his sleeping wife, then grabbed the throw blanket that was on the sofa then covered Jessica with it. He placed a kiss on her forehead then left her to get some rest.

He picked up a book he had been reading and sat down close by to read. Lola curled beside the sofa and got comfortable. She too fell asleep.

Some time later, Jessica was up and felt a little better. She went over to Sarah's for a little while then came home for dinner.

Evan had made baked chicken with vegetables on the side.

Jessica thanked him and kissed lips for making dinner. She ate all her food but it didn't settle well. She felt nauseous after. She was happy when she didn't throw up. But she still had that nauseous feeling.

Jessica got ready for bed; she put on her nightgown on and did her nightly routine. Evan was downstairs making Jessica some mint tea. He was hoping it would help settled Jessica's stomach.

At first, he was upset because he thought he made Jessica sick with his cooking. But Jessica assured him that it didn't have anything to do with his cooking and reminded him that she was already feeling sick. Evan soon calmed down and made his way to the kitchen.

Jessica then got into bed after getting ready for bed and sighed in relief. Again, she felt so tired.

Lola jumped on the bed and cuddled close to Jessica. She then laid her head on Jessica's belly and Lola looked up at her.

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