With All My Heart

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Throughout the night, Jessica would only wake up to feed Victoria and give her a diaper change.

Evan did want to help more, but he was still scared to do anything else but hold his daughter.

At 4 am after a feeding, a nurse asked Jessica if she could take Victoria to the nursery so she and Evan could really get some sleep.

Jessica agreed and the nurse rolled Victoria away. Evan was given a pull out bed and he was now laying down.

Jessica turned to him and reached for his hand. Evan got up and went to her. He took her hand in his.

"Lay with me, Evan." She said tiredly.
"Are...are you sure?" Evan said. "I don't want to hurt you."
"I'm sure. Come here." Jessica said as she gently pulled Evan towards her.

She then scooted over, wincing a bit because her body was still very sore. Evan laid down next to her and wrapped his arms around her.

Jessica smiled contently and closed her eyes as she laid her head on his chest. They both fell asleep soundly until Victoria's next feeding.

In the morning, Jessica and baby Victoria got visitors throughout the day.

Phil was just in awe of his granddaughter, his first grandchild. He held her for most of the time he visited.

Jessica was so in love with her baby girl. She would just stare in awe and wouldn't take her eyes off of Victoria. It was as if she looked away, the baby would disappear.

Jessica and the baby were kept one more day in the hospital.

Jessica was able to get some more rest and by the time she was released from the hospital, she was well rested. Although she knew that wouldn't last but was glad to have had that time to rest.

The next day, Sarah drove Jessica's car to hospital. The baby's car seat was set up in the backseat and was ready to be used.

Sarah walked into Jessica's room as Jessica was dressing Victoria in her coming home outfit.

Jessica had just gotten released by her doctor and she couldn't wait to bring her baby girl home.

Jessica put on Victoria's hat then she looked up at Sarah. Sarah smiled back and said. "Wow, this is the most beautiful sight! I can't believe you have a baby, Jess." Tears appeared in her eyes.
"No, don't do that! Then I'll cry too." Jessica said chuckled as tears appeared in her eyes as well. "I will say..." she wrapped Victoria back up in her blanket and lifted her into her arms. She looked down at her daughter and continued. "...even though she's in my arms right now, I still can't believe she's mine. But, I know she is and I'm so blessed to have her in my life."

Sarah smiled then helped Jessica get ready. Jessica was moving at a slower pace because she was feeling sore. Sarah was there to help Jessica and Evan with the big stuff that needed to be carried.

Evan helped Sarah while Jessica held Victoria. Soon, a nurse wheeled in a wheelchair into the room.

Jessica carefully stood up then carefully sat down in the wheelchair.

"I'll bring the car around. I'll see you all out there." Sarah said as she rushed ahead of them, taking some of the baby's and Jessica's gifts with her.

The nurse wheeled Jessica out of the room while Jessica carried Victoria. Evan followed close behind with a few flowers that Jessica had received.

Sarah pulled up at the entrance as the nurse, Jessica and Evan walked out of the hospital.

Sarah got down from the car to help Jessica and the baby into the backseat. Jessica placed a kiss on Victoria's forehead then handed her to Sarah who got the baby into the car seat. Sarah and Evan then help Jessica stand up from the wheelchair.

Jessica winces a bit then slowly she get into the backseat with the baby. Evan then places the rest of the gifts into the other side of the backseat and soon, he was sitting in the front seat ready to go.

Sarah thanks the nurse then she rushed to the drivers side of the car and gets in. Sarah then drives off.

Jessica can't take her eyes off of Victoria. Victoria is sleeping away and Jessica just holds her tiny hand in hers. Her heart felt it would burst with happiness.

The ride was a smooth one and Evan couldn't help but look back and see his wife admiring their daughter. He smiled each time he laid eyes on them.

At a stop light, Sarah smiled to herself at Evan. She thought how adorable it was at how Evan was so in awe of his little family.

Before they knew it, Sarah was pulling into Jessica's driveway.

When the car was placed in park, Jessica unbuckled Victoria and took her into her arms. Victoria stretched and moves a little then settled down in her mother's arms.

Evan helped Jessica out of the car and Sarah rushes ahead of them to open the front door.

Jessica walks through the door and says to Victoria. "Welcome home, baby girl."

She then sits down on the sofa while Sarah and Evan get the car unpacked of gifts and such.

After Sarah walks over to Jessica and said. "I'll leave you three alone for now."

Everyone wanted to give Jessica and Evan some space so they could bond with their daughter. So, they all stayed away for now.

"Lily and I will bring you two dinner later, so you both don't worry about cooking anything." Sarah went on.

"Thank you so much, Sarah." Jessica said with smile. "We appreciate everything you've done."
"You're so welcome." Sarah said as she gave Jessica a hug then she placed a kiss on the baby's head. "See you all later."

Now it was just Jessica, Evan and Victoria. Evan sat down next to Jessica she leaned into him. She smiled at him and he at her. They kissed each other's lips then turned their attention to their daughter who was now stirring.

Victoria looked up at her mother and Jessica looked down at her. Evan watched on and smiled. He gently rubbed the top of Victoria's head and placed a kiss on her forehead.

They stayed watching their daughter and talking to her. But soon, Victoria began to cry.

Evan almost panicked but Jessica unbuttoned her blouse and soon placed Victoria by her breast. Victoria latched on immediately and suckled.

Evan relaxed and looked up at Jessica. "You're amazing, Jess."
Jessica blushes and said. "Oh, Evan. Stop." She then giggled.
"No, I'm serious. You went through nine months of carrying our daughter inside of you and you went through so so much pain to bring her into this world." Evan said with such admiration. "What your body had to go through."

Jessica smiled but teared up as Evan spoke.

"The love I have for you just grew as I watched you push our daughter out." He continued. "It was the most beautiful thing I've ever witnessed. Now, you are feeding our baby! You are just beyond amazing and incredible. I love you with all my heart, Jessica."
Jessica smiled through her tears. "I love you too, Evan." She said softly. "With all my heart."

Evan smiled wide then he leaned over a it and placed a kiss on Jessica's lips.

The End!

Just kidding! Sorry!😂

There's more adventures in store for Jessica, Evan and baby Victoria.

Stay tuned!😄❤️
(P.s. ignore any errors. Will edit later.)

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