Would You...?

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The next morning, Phil had woken up early and made a few phone calls. There was something he had been thinking about and was now ready to put things in motion.

Jessica walked downstairs in her robe to find a cup of coffee waiting for her. She thanked Phil then sat down in the living room.

Phil sat across from her and said. "Jessica...I hope you don't mind, but I had to use your phone long distance."
"Don't worry about it." Jessica said with a smile.

Phil looked up at Jessica and said. "I was talking to my lawyer this morning and it involves you."
Jessica looked surprised and said. "Me?"

Phil nodded and said. "Yes, you. You see, Julie and I have been saving up money for Evan so that he would be taken care of once...once I'm gone. Also, there's a group home around here that has great praise and was highly recommended. He'll get the best care there and there will be others like him. They say that the ones who have family visit are the happiest. You visit him and just watch out for him?" He sighed then continued. "Usually I would have Julie by my side to discuss this but...but I believe she would want this too. She really liked you and was grateful for what you have done for Evan." Phil stood up and said. "Jessica...once I'm gone, would you be Evan's family? Would you please, be Evan's legal guardian?"

Jessica was shocked at being asked such a thing. She wasn't sure how to answer. So she asked. "What about Emily?"

Phil shook his head and said. "Emily and Michael have their own careers and I'm sure they will be having kids in the future. They'll be too preoccupied to give Evan the attention he needs. Please Jessica. I know you care about him and he thinks the world of you. Also, you just have this way with him and he listens to you."

Jessica chewed the bottom of her lip as she thought. After thinking over the pros and cons, she made up her mind and said. "Okay. I'll be there for Evan with whatever he needs. I'll be his legal guardian."
Phil smiled appreciatively and said. "Thank you, Jessica. Thank you."

Once they spoke more about the current situation, they decided that once they get home, Jessica would sign the necessary papers so she would be Evan's legal guardian.

After breakfast and Jessica was dressed, she decided to take a walk with Evan and discuss what had happened the night before.

Phil stayed behind on the back patio while Jessica and Evan went for a walk.

Evan was in a much better mood than ever before and he was excited just to be having some alone time with Jessica.

"Evan..." Jessica said once they were far enough away from Phil's listening ears. "Last night, when I comforted you...our hug turned into something more. We kissed. That kiss was much more than me comforting you."
"I know that, Jessica." Evan said.
"Evan, kissing is something married people do. They hold and kiss each other that way." Jessica said, trying to get Evan to understand.
"But Emily and Michael would do that all the time and they weren't married." He said.
"Yes, well, they were planning on getting married." Jessica said.

Jessica stopped walking and so did Evan. Jessica looked into Evan's eyes and Evan looked into hers.

"Evan..." Jessica said urgently. "...we're friends and I want us to be friends forever. But we can't be friends unless we promise each other to never do what we did last night again."
"But why?" Evan asked innocently.

Jessica took a deep breath and said. "Because it'll change things I don't want changed. Okay?"
Evan looked away and looked out into the ocean, watching the waves. Evan then looked back at Jessica and said. "Okay."

Evan was disappointed but he respected Jessica too much to disobey her. They continued their walk and spoke about other things.

At midnight, Evan and Phil were fast asleep. Jessica couldn't sleep with everything that had happened. She was now Evan's legal guardian and that kiss has been on her mind since it happened. Even with their talk that morning, Jessica just couldn't get it out of her mind.

Jessica gave up on trying to sleep. She got out of bed and grabbed her robe. She pulled on her robe and walked out the back door.

She walked out to the ocean until her feet met the nice, cool water. She sighed as she took in the scenery and just relished the feeling of water caressing her feet. The gentle wind blowing through her hair.

Jessica looked up at the sky and said. "I feel so confused Danny. Why am I having these feelings for Evan? That kiss...that kiss made me feel this spark I haven't felt since you've been gone. Am I...am I falling for Evan? No." She shook her head. "This can't be. It just can't. Danny...I love you and I always will. I don't ever want to betray you." Tears rolled down her cheeks. "Please help me stop having these feelings for Evan! It's wrong. Please, Danny, help me."

Jessica sobbed. She finally let her feelings out that she had been keeping in for a while. She wished now more than ever, that Danny could give her the answers she was so desperately looking for.

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