Grandpa Phil

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Evan wasn't asleep when Jessica woke up to Victoria's cry. He had heard it but pretended to be asleep. He was so tired and sleepy. Only when he knew Jessica would be awake for the day and Victoria was in her mother's arms did he let out a sigh and drift off to sleep.

Later that day, Jessica had just put Victoria down for a nap in her nursery and grabbed the baby monitor to go downstairs.

She also had a laundry basket filled with their dirty clothes and walked into the laundry room. She separated the whites and colored clothes then put a load of laundry into the washer.

After she then went to the kitchen to wash the dirty dishes and clean up. She placed the baby monitor on the counter and got to work.

Jessica was healing well from giving birth and she was okay to do things now. But she had to take things slow and she was tired because she was breastfeeding. It took a lot of work to breastfeed but she is happy to do it.

Lola had followed her to the kitchen and whined behind her.

Jessica turned around and raised an eyebrow. Usually Lola would be right beside Victoria's crib or bassinet watching over her. Lola had become protective of Victoria and Jessica loved that.

"What's wrong, Lola?" Jessica said as she patted Lola's head.

Lola whined again then walked over to her doggy bowl. She nudged it with her nose.

"Oh, you're hungry." Jessica said. "Mommy's so sorry."

Evan would usually give Lola her breakfast, but Evan was asleep and Jessica was busy with the baby and getting herself ready for the day.

"Wait till Evan wakes up." Jessica said to herself as she served Lola her food and water. "What on earth is going on with him?" She sighed.

"There you go, sweet girl!" Jessica said as she put the doggy bowl and water bowl on the floor for Lola. Lola began to eat and Jessica pet her again. "Enjoy, your meal. Again I'm sorry. It won't happen again."

Jessica left Lola alone to eat in peace and she went back to cleaning.

Jessica was upset again that Evan had been slacking. She wanted to confront him but she knew if she did, he could shut down and not tell her what was wrong. So, she just let him be. For now.

Jessica had just finished cleaning the kitchen and also changing the washing machine when the doorbell rang. Her eyes grew wide and she rushed to the front door. So far Victoria was sleeping peacefully and Jessica wanted it to stay that way a little longer.

She opened the door to find Phil on the doorstep.

"Phil, hello!" Jessica said. "Come on in."
"How are you doing, Jessica? How's my grand baby?" He asked cheerfully.

"Tired." She chuckled. "But otherwise, I'm doing well. Victoria is asleep right now. But I'm sure she'll be awake in a bit ready to eat again." She sighed.

Phil could tell how tired Jessica looked and sounded.

"Is everything alright? Where's Evan?" Phil asked as he sat done on the sofa.
"He's asleep." Jessica said sounding upset. She sat down next to him and slumps her shoulders.

"Has he not been helping?" Phil asked.

"The first two weeks, he was wonderful." Jessica replied. "But something has changed. He started sleeping all day. He stopped helping me out with Victoria and now he only gives her to me to nurse." She sighed. "I tried to keep up with the cleaning. But since I'm breastfeeding and taking care of Victoria, well, the house started to look like a disaster. Today, I was able to clean up and do laundry. That's why you can see that it's spotless. But now, I'm exhausted." Jessica started to tear up. "I haven't even taken a shower yet."

Jessica began to cry because she felt overwhelmed. Phil hugged her from the side and she leaned onto his shoulder.

"Hey it's okay." Phil said comfortingly. "No need to cry. I feel that, whatever is going on with him, has to do with the fact that, Julie and I didn't prepare him for fatherhood. You know Evan, he needs plenty of guidance and well, we didn't think he would ever become father. Look, how about once you feed Victoria, you bring her to me so I could spend some time with my granddaughter. You can go shower and take as much time as you need. Then when Evan wakes up, I'll talk to him."

"Th...thank you!" Jessica sobbed. "I'm sorry, I'm just so...I'm just so...."
"I know." Phil said. "Well, I don't know exactly how you feel, but I remember when Julie and I brought Evan home. Julie would worry about everything. She would always be on the phone with her mother making sure if she was doing something right with Evan. She would cry when she felt overwhelmed. So, please, don't cry. I'm here to help."

Jessica nodded and after a few minutes she stopped crying. She thanked Phil again and when she sat up, she heard Victoria's cries.

Jessica excused herself, and walked upstairs. She loved her baby girl with her whole heart but, she couldn't help feel better knowing that she would have some time for herself.

Jessica walked into the nursery and lifted Victoria into her arms. "Hello, baby girl! Ready for some milk."

Victoria's cries quieted down a bit and Jessica walked over to the rocking chair. She sat down and pulled up her shirt. Victoria began to suckle and look up at her mother.

"You have a visitor today." Jessica said softly. "Your grandpa Phil is downstairs waiting for you."

Victoria looked up at her mother and Jessica smiled. "Oh my goodness! I still can't believe you are real and in my arms." She said with happy tears in your eyes. "I never would have ever dreamed that I would have a baby. I...I did get pregnant once and well..." tears rolled down her cheeks as tears of sadness rolled down her cheeks. "...well, it just didn't work out. Victoria, you have a big brother up in heaven. I bet he's looking down on you and smiling. I'm going to tell you all about him as you grow older."

Victoria just looked up at Jessica and Jessica chuckled. "Oh my goodness, you're so cute!" She said in a baby voice.

Jessica wiped her tears away and just continued to talk and nurse her baby girl.

After burping the baby, Jessica walks down the downstairs to hand the baby to Phil.

Phil stood up and took Victoria into his arms. "Well, hello little one. Come to grandpa Phil." He said with enthusiasm.

Jessica giggled and said. "She has a full tummy and she's been burped. So she's good for a while."

"Alright, now, you go relax and take as much time as you need." Phil said. "Victoria and I are going to be fine."
"Thank you again, Phil." Jessica said. She placed a kiss on Victoria's forehead and said to her. "Okay, baby girl. Mommy will be right back. Be good for grandpa."

When Jessica leaves the room, Phil sits back down on the sofa and smiled down at Victoria. Victoria is wide awake and is just looking around the room.

"Now, it's just the two of now." Phil said. "Mommy deserves a little break. I'm not sure what's going on with your daddy but don't worry, I'll straighten him out once he wakes up."

Victoria makes a cute baby noise and Phil smiles. "Yeah, I know he's dropping the ball." He chuckles. "Wow, I have a granddaughter! That's incredible. Your grandma Julie would have been so happy."

Tears fill his eyes and he continued. "Well, I'm pretty sure she is looking down at us with a smile on her face. I know she's happy. I just wish she was here to meet you."

The baby wiggles a little and is now staring at her grandfather. Phil smiled and said. "Your grandma Julie was a beautiful, funny, kindhearted and just a wonderful person."

Phil grabs the baby's hand and Victoria grabs hold of one of Phil's fingers and wraps her hand around it.

"Let me tell you the story of how we met." Phil said. "I will never forget that moment."

I hope everyone is doing well and I hope you all are still liking this story.

I know it's a little slow right now but I'm easing my way back into writing.
More to come soon.

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