Grandma Julie

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The next day, Evan woke up in a much better mood. He felt better than ever. He finally got the sleep he so desperately needed. The Owlet was a success. He just hoped it would continue to work.

He was currently watching over Jessica and Victoria. Jessica was nursing Victoria and she was feeling optimistic after a good nights rest. Well, in between feedings of course.

Victoria hummed as she ate and Jessica smiled wide. She loved the noises that her baby girl made.

"Jess?" Evan said still staring at his daughter nursing.
"Hmmm?" Jessica said, feeling a little tired but she felt okay.
"Uh, does that hurt?" He asked innocently as he pointed to his daughter as she ate from Jessica.

"Well, in the beginning, yes it did." She replied, "But now it doesn't. I guess I just got used to it."
"Oh...well that's good you're not in pain." Evan said as he relaxed and laid his back on his pillow.

Jessica smiled down at him and said, "You're so sweet for worrying. But, I promise I'm okay."

Evan looked up at her and smiled back. He then sat up again and kissed her lips.

"I love you." He said when he pulled away.
"I love you too." Jessica replied with a smile.

Victoria had stopped suckling so Jessica fixed her nightgown and brought Victoria up to her shoulder to burp.

"Jessica...?" Evan began, "I was wondering...can we go visit my mom today? I want to introduce her to Victoria."
Jessica looked at Evan and gave a sympathetic smile. "Sure. We can visit her. We can pick up some flowers for her then we can go see her."
Evan smiled and kissed Jessica's cheek, "Thanks! I'm going to get ready." He said, pushing the blankets away from himself.

Jessica nodded and smiled; Victoria let out a tiny burp and Jessica's smiled widened. She brought her baby back down into her arms and just took her in. Victoria wiggled a little and cooed. Jessica just couldn't stop staring. She loved this baby girl with her whole heart and more. She couldn't explain this type of love. She was just so so happy to get to experience it.

Some time later after they had breakfast, the family of three are ready to go and they get into Jessica's car.

Jessica was already feeling well enough to drive. Plus this was just a small trip and she knew she could handle it.

Also, another thing Jessica felt comfortable taking the baby out for this little visit. She knew that the cemetery wouldn't be too crowded. So she didn't have to worry about germs from other people. It wouldn't be another month before the baby could get her shots.

The drive to the cemetery went well; Jessica had been nervous that Victoria wasn't going to like car rides. The baby had only been on one car ride so far which was going home. She was much smaller then but the baby slept the entire way there.

Jessica stopped by a flower shop that was close by and Evan got down on his own and bought the flowers. After, they continued to their destination.

Finally they arrived; Jessica parked the car then turned off the engine. She told Evan she would get the baby while he was in charge of the blanket, diaper bag and flowers.

Evan nodded and grabbed the items. Jessica put the keys in her pocket then opened the back door. But before getting the baby out, she made sure no one was around them. Again being cautious since the baby didn't have any vaccinations yet.

There was not one around them, so she then carefully unbuckled the baby which caused Victoria to squirm. Jessica smiled as the baby stretched and her eyes fluttered for a second but they remained closed. Jessica made sure the baby was wrapped her blanket then carried her in her arms. Jessica then followed Evan to Julie's grave.

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