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The next morning, Evan woke up with a hangover. But he remembered everything that had happened.

He rolled over and found Jessica's side of the bed empty. He groaned and vowed to never drink again.

A moment later, Jessica walks into the bedroom still dressed in her pajamas and her robe over them.

She was holding a glass of water and two tylenols in her hands.

She walked over to Evan's side of the bed and said. "Good morning. How are feeling?"
Evan sighed and said. "Lousy."

Jessica gave him a sympathetic smile then handed him the two tylenols and glass of water.

He took them from her and placed the pills in his mouth then he drank them down. He then drank all the water and he handed the glass back to Jessica.

He groaned again then laid back on the bed. "Thank you, Jessica. I'm sorry about last night. I...I drank too much. I never do that. But, what Michael's mom told me really got to me. I just wanted to forget."

Jessica places the glass of water down and sat beside Evan. She took his hand in hers and held it tightly.

" should have told me what she said to you." Jessica said gently. "I was beginning to think so many things. One of those things was that you didn't love me anymore."
"What!?" Evan yelled out a little before groaning, closing his eyes and grabbing his head with his free hand. He took a deep breath then opened his eyes and said calmly. "Jessica...I will always love you. Don't even think that."

Jessica smiled and kissed his lips. He kissed her back then Jessica pulled away.

"Today, we are going to relax and not worry about anything." She said. "Now, go take a shower and freshen up. I'll be downstairs waiting for you."

Evan nodded and Jessica walked out of the bedroom.

Jessica walked downstairs, Lola following close behind. She walked into the kitchen and began to cook breakfast. Lola laid down by her water and food bowl and watched Jessica.

As Jessica cooked, she thought about what she was going to say to Michael's mother.

At first, she wanted to "fight" and stick up for herself and Evan. But, after sleeping on it, she thought better of it and decided to try to speak calmly to Michael's mother.

She knew she had to be calm, not just for herself but for her baby as well. She couldn't risk anything happening to her baby.

Just then, Jessica felt gentle kicks coming from her belly. She smiled and a placed a hand where the baby was kicking.

"Good morning, my sweet girl." She said speaking to her belly. The baby gave a few more kicks, the last one was a harder kick.

"Ow!" Jessica cried out then giggled. "You are getting so strong!"

Some time later, Evan walked downstairs in time for breakfast. He was still feeling his hangover but it wasn't as bad and he managed to eat a bit of food.

The rest of the day, Jessica and Evan laid around the house and talked.

Jessica calmed a lot of Evan's fears and he was able to feel better about the upcoming birth of their child.

Evan was back to touching and kissing Jessica's belly, as well as talking to the baby.

Jessica felt so much better now that Evan has told her what was going on. Evan told Jessica more of his fears and Jessica did her best to comfort him.

Some time later, they went to the room across from their bedroom and Evan began to move things around and take things out. This room would be the nursery.

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