A Tradition

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A few months pass and things have been going well for Jessica and Evan.

Evan still has his job at the construction company and he also started helping out at the bookstore.

He works for the construction company a few days a week and he helps at the bookstore on the weekends.

Jessica was even teaching Evan how to cook and to be a bit more independent. So far, he was doing well. He could now cook spaghetti, scrambled eggs, soup and few other delicious meals.

Jessica was so proud and Evan got a boost in his confidence. He was able to cook for them whenever he felt Jessica needed a break.

They both gotten into a routine of having dinner with Phil on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Also, once in a while, everyone would meet at Emily's and Michael's for Sunday dinner.

Emily has opened up to Jessica more and had treated her well. Jessica was more at ease in Emily's presence. Now that things had settled and Emily saw how well Evan was doing as a husband, there were no more ill feelings towards Jessica.

It was now Christmas Day and Jessica and Evan spent their first Christmas morning together and alone at their house.

They would be joining everyone at Emily's later for dinner.

Jessica and Evan made love the first thing when they woke up. After they cuddled for a few more minutes, they got out of bed and put back on their clothes.

Evan pulled on his pajama pants and walked around without a shirt. Jessica pulled on her nightgown.

They walked downstairs, Lola following close behind.

They walked into the living room and sat by the Christmas tree. Jessica gave Evan his gifts which were some new books, and clothes. Now that Evan was able to read chapter books, Jessica brought him more books that were similar to Harry Potter.

Evan bought Jessica new nightgowns, pajamas and he surprised her with a new piece of jewelry.

Jessica opened the small velvet box and gasped. "Oh, Evan! It's beautiful."

Evan smiled and pulled the ring out of the box then placed it on Jessica's wedding finger. "This is the ring you deserve. I started to save up my money after we got married so I can get this for you."

Their wedding ring from their wedding day was simple but Jessica loved it because it didn't matter to her how small or big the ring was.
As long as she was with Evan was all that mattered to her.

But Evan felt Jessica deserved so much more. So with the help of Emily, he picked out the perfect ring for Jessica.

It had a big round diamond and going around the band were smaller diamonds on it. Jessica was in awe.

"Thank you, honey." Jessica said. "But you didn't have to get me a new ring. The first one was perfect."
Evan shook his head. "As I said, you deserve so much more."

Later that night, they went over to Emily's. Phil was already there and he greeted Jessica and Evan with a big hug.

Emily and Michael soon followed Phil and greeted them.

Michael's parents were also there. They greeted Jessica warmly, but, when it came to Evan they gave him a quick hello.

Jessica grabbed Evan's hand after that happened and led him to the dining room. Jessica knew if she didn't get away from Michael's parents, she would go off on them. But it was Christmas, so she let it go. For now.

The rest of the night went well without any drama. They had a nice dinner and the conversations flowed easily.

By the end of the night, Jessica and Evan drove Phil home. They got him settled and then said goodbye.

Evan and Jessica made it home and they relaxed.

They changed into some matching Christmas pajamas and Jessica found A Christmas Story playing on tv.

She made them some hot chocolate then they settled down to watch the movie.

After finishing their hot chocolate, Jessica placed their mugs down on the coffee table then Jessica laid her head on Evan's chest, an arm around his abdomen while Evan wrapped an arm around her.

As the movie progressed, Evan said during a commercial. "This is nice. Jessica, can we make this our Christmas tradition? Every Christmas night after spending the day with everyone...we can come home, get into pajamas and watch this movie? Can we do that?"
Jessica smiled up at him and said. "We can totally do that. I love that idea."

Evan was happy about starting his own Christmas tradition with his beautiful wife.

They kissed each other's lips then they looked back at the tv and continued to watch the movie.

Short chapter. Hope y'all don't mind.

Sorry not much happened in this chapter. But don't worry, some exciting things are going to happen. Although with those things, new challenges will arise.

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