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"What?" Jessica said in a whisper. Her eyes wide with shock.
"You're pregnant." Dr. Davis said. "Now, I want to do an ultrasound just to make sure the baby is doing okay, and to see how far along you are."

Jessica nodded her head. She was too shocked to say anything. She didn't know how to feel.

"Jessica, are you okay?" Dr. Davis asked moving closer to her.
"Yeah." She replied. "I'm just...I'm just shocked. I was expecting to be told I had a stomach bug or something."

Dr. Davis gave Jessica a warm smile then called for a nurse to bring an ultrasound machine.

As they waited, Jessica's mind was reeling.

"Oh gosh! I'm pregnant! Am I happy? I don't know. I'm so worried. I'm older now. What if something happens? What about Evan? Will he be able to handle a baby?!" Jessica thought frantically.

The nurse wheeled in the ultrasound machine. Breaking off Jessica's thoughts.

Dr. Davis asked Jessica to lay back. Jessica did so, feeling in as if she was in a trance. She pulled up her blouse and waited for the doctor to begin the exam.

Dr. Davis put some gel onto Jessica's abdomen then placed the transducer onto it. She spread the gel over Jessica's abdomen then began to focus on the tiny pea sized being on the screen.

Dr. Davis began to take measurements then said. "You are measuring around six weeks. Everything looks great. Do you want to hear the heartbeat?"
"Yes." Jessica said as she looked on the screen.

Dr. Davis pushes a button and instantly the room was filled with a strong heartbeat.

Tears rolled down Jessica's cheeks. She was in awe that this was actually happening and that she was pregnant.

Yes, she had many worries but, hearing that heartbeat made her extremely happy. After losing Noah, this was a blessing to her. There was no question now. She wanted to have this baby. Also, she already loved them.

A nurse handed Jessica some tissues. Jessica wiped her tears away and smiled.

After Dr. Davis finished with the ultrasound, Jessica sat up and listened to Dr. Davis explain how she would have to come in for appointments more often because of her age. Dr. Davis wanted to keep a close eye on Jessica and the baby.

Dr. Davis then gave Jessica prenatal vitamins and sent her on her way.

Jessica sat in her car to have a moment. She looked down at the ultrasound photo and sobbed. She was worried but so so happy.

She closed her eyes and took deep breaths. After calming down, she sent up a silent prayer that her baby would be alright.

"Please Danny, help keep this baby safe. I wouldn't survive if anything were to happen to him or her. Please take care of my baby."

Jessica opened her eyes and wiped away the rest of her tears. She put away the ultrasound photo in her purse then she turned on her car and drove away.

She arrived at the bookstore a little before noon and walked inside. Sarah greeted her with a hug and followed her upstairs to the employee lounge.

They recently hired a new worker and she had everything under control.

Sarah could tell something was going on. She's known Jessica for so long and just knew when Jessica was hiding something. Plus, Jessica had called Sarah before leaving the house saying that she would be late to the bookstore.

"How was your appointment?" Sarah said.
"It was fine." Jessica replied as she grabbed a bottle of water from the refrigerator.
"Did they figure out what's wrong?" Sarah asked.

Just then, Jessica's stomach churned and she ran to the bathroom. Sarah followed close behind.

Jessica shut the door and Sarah waited outside for her. Sarah could hear Jessica getting sick and grew worried.

A few minutes later, Jessica walked out of the bathroom and walked to sit on the sofa. Sarah followed behind and sat next to her.

"Jess, what's going on?" Sarah asked as she placed a hand on Jessica's shoulder.
Jessica sighed and decided to tell Sarah. "I'm pregnant." She whispered. "I'm six weeks." She said a little louder.

Sarah was shocked and said. "What!?" She then lowered her voice and said. "Oh, Jess. That's wonderful! Congratulations!"

Sarah hugged Jessica.

"Thanks." Jessica said. "I'm happy but I'm just so worried. I'm forty six years old. I'm going to turn forty seven next month. Can my body handle this? Will the baby be born healthy? Will the baby even be born at all? Will Evan even know how to take care of a baby?"

Jessica began to silently sob and held Sarah tightly.

"Shhhh...." Sarah began, gently rocking Jessica back and forth. "It's all going to be okay. Just take things one day at a time. Try not to stress. That's not good for the baby. As far as Evan goes, I'm positive he will be a great father. With guidance, he will know how to take care of a baby. Look at how far he's come. He's much more independent than he was before. Because of you, he can cook. He cleans m, he works hard and he takes great care of you."

Jessica nodded and pulled away to look at Sarah. "You're right. Once I show Evan how to care for a baby, I know he'll do great." She said with a smile and wiping her tears away. "Oh my goodness! I'm pregnant!" She said much more happily.

Sarah chuckled and saw Jessica's mood lift.

"I'm going to tell Evan tonight." Jessica said. "For now, I need a few minutes before I go down there. I need to take my prenatal vitamins first and freshen up."
"Of course, take your time." Sarah said. "Emma and I have everything under control. See you in a bit."

Jessica took her vitamins and freshened up. She then walked downstairs and began her work day.

The rest of the day went well, apart from a few trips to the bathroom to throw up. Jessica took off early so she could pick up Evan from work.

Evan was waiting for Jessica to pick him up from work. He was drinking a bottle water as he waited. Jim and an other worker was standing close by.

"Damn. I can't believe Peters is married." Jim said. "And to a beautiful woman. Shoot, I would bang her if I had the chance. She's older but she's hot!"
"Jim, come on now." The other worker said. He was getting tired of Jim's attitude. "Have a little respect for Evan and for his wife."
"Dave! Don't be so uptight, man." Jim said slapping Dave's back playfully. "I mean come on. What does she see him? He's a retard."

Dave sighed angrily and said. "Do not use that word, Jim. Dammit you're such an asshole!"

Dave walked away from Jim. He could tell that Jim was jealous of Evan because he was married. Jim has been single for the past four years and Dave could see why he was single. Jim was unbearable.

Jim snickered and drank his own bottle of water. He then saw a car pull up and Evan walking towards it.

Jim watched Evan get into the car and kiss his wife on her lips. Jim huffed and watched as they drove away.

In that moment, Jim had zeroed in on Jessica. Jim wanted to break up Evan from Jessica and he was sure he could get Jessica to fall in love with him.

Jim was determined to find out everything there was to know about Jessica and then he would put his plan into motion.

Yikes! Jim is bad news.

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