Figure Out Part 2

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"Evan, you need to talk to Jessica about this." Phil said.

Evan has just revealed to his father his worst fear. Evan shed some tears as he told Phil.

"I'll watch Victoria and you go on up and tell Jessica exactly what you told me." Phil said gently.

"What if...what if she gets mad at me?" Evan asked nervously.
"Evan, Jessica is already mad but only because she doesn't know why you've been so distant." Phil said. "Once you tell her what's been going on, I promise you she will understand. I do, so I know she will too."

Victoria yawned and her eyes closed. She drifted off to sleep in her grandfather's arms. Phil smiled down at her then he looked back at Evan.

"Go on son. Go talk to Jessica." Phil said. "Take as much time as you both need."

Evan nodded and stood up. He bent down to place a kiss on Victoria's forehead then he patted his fathers shoulder. He then walked upstairs and into their bedroom. He sat on the bed to wait for Jessica.

Jessica turned off the water then opened the shower curtain to grab a towel. She felt so much better than before. Still a little tired, but better.

She dried herself off then dressed in some black tights and a light blue loose fitting blouse. She decided to let her hair dry into loose curls so she brushed out her hair to get rid of the tangles.

Once she finished, she threw her towel in the hamper then she sighed. She took a deep breath then opened the bathroom door.

She walked out and stopped. She saw Evan sitting on their bed looking nervous and scared. He was starring at the floor.

Evan looked up and stood up. He walked over to Jessica and said. "Jess...I...I'm so sorry for how I've been acting. I...I need ttto ttto tell you something."

Jessica was angry but she knew she couldn't let her anger out on him. Even though he was the cause. Jessica took a deep breath in then let it out.

"Alright. I'm all ears." Jessica said as she sat on the bed. "Tell me why you've been so distant towards me and Victoria. Tell me why you've been sleeping all day and not helping me."

Evan sat down beside her and he was wringing his hands again. He began to rock back and forth.

Jessica softened a bit more, and she gently took hold of his hands into hers. She then looked into his eyes.

"Evan, please tell me what's going on." Jessica said gently. "You don't have to be scared."

She then gently caressed his cheek and placed a kiss on his lips. She felt Evan relax a bit but he was still pretty tense.

Evan nodded, took a deep breath then said. "I've...I've been staying up all night and well, I sleep all day because I'm so tired. Jessica, I've been staying up all night because...because I watch Victoria sleep."

"You watch her sleep?" Jessica asked.
Evan nodded. "Yeah...I have to make sure she's...she's breathing at night."

Jessica's eyebrows shoot up as realization comes over her. Now it made sense.

"Oh, Evan." She said, her brows furrowed.

"I have to make sure she, that she is breathing. As long I, I, I see she is breathing, it, it helps me f-f-feel better. Jess, I'm afraid she'll stop breathing and, and she become like me or worse!" He sobbed, tears rolling down his cheeks. "I don't want that for her! I don't want her to have to struggle, like, like I did! I don't want her to g-g-get bullied and laughed at like I did! I have to make sure she's breathing! I have to make sure she doesn't stop breathing! I have to stay up! I have to stay up!"

Evan shoots up and paces the room frantically. Jessica stand up and follows him.

"Evan, honey, please, calm down." Jessica pleaded. She stands in front of him to stop his pacing and she rests her hands on his shoulders.

Tears rolled down her cheeks as she feels for her husband. She understood his fears because she has them too. But that fear that Victoria stops breathing in her sleep is a fear that almost every parent has about their own baby regardless.

"Evan, please don't think that way." Jessica said gently. "I mean, it's any parents worst fear. However, I can't imagine how you are feeling because it happened to you. But, Evan, you can't watch her 24/7. You need rest too. We both need to rest. Oh, Evan. I understand now what you have been going through."

She hugs him tight and slowly Evan begins to relax. Soon he wraps his arms around her and hugs her back.

Evan sobbed and Jessica just held him. They stay that way until Evan's sobs begin to quiet down.

Jessica pulls away and looks into Evan's eyes. "You're such a great daddy already. Evan, please, you need to sleep at a normal time like I do. That way, we can both be there for Victoria. I'm not saying to not check in on her when you wake up to use the bathroom or just check in on her throughout the night. I do that during the day. I can help you through your anxiety and fear about this. Evan, we can get through this together."

Evan into Jessica's eyes and in that moment, he felt at ease. Now that he told Jessica what was bothering him and why he's been staying up, he felt a huge weight being lifted off of his shoulders.

Evan smiled through his tears and nodded. "Together." He said.

I hope you all liked this chapter.

What were y'all's thoughts about why Evan was staying up all night to make sure Victoria was okay throughout the night?

What other things should this little family go through? More good things or some more drama? Or both?

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