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That night, Jessica and Evan were in the living room watching a movie. They were watching Witches of Eastwick. Jessica was a huge Cher fan and had all of her movies on dvd.

They sat on the sofa in their pajamas and were enjoying their night. Evan had an arm wrapped around Jessica and she had her head laid on his chest.

They were sharing a bowl of popcorn and Jessica was also eating a pickle as she ate her popcorn.

Before her pregnancy, Jessica hated pickles. Now, she craved them. Jessica was also snacking on some m & m's. Chocolate had also become a must have for her.

In the middle of the movie, Jessica gasped and her hand flew to her belly.

"Jess, what's wrong?" Evan asked worriedly as they sat up. He put the bowl of popcorn on the coffee table in front of them and turned towards Jessica.

A tear rolled down her cheek and a smile spread across her face.

"I'm okay." She said with emotion. "The baby...they're kicking!" She reached over and grabbed his hand. She placed it on her belly where the baby was kicking.

Evan waited a moment then smiled wide when he felt a strong kick.

"Whoa! That was strong one!" Jessica giggled as more happy tears rolled down her cheeks.

Those kicks were a sign of hope for Jessica that she would meet her baby in a few months time.

"This is...wow!" Evan said as his own tears of joy formed. "This is amazing."

Evan then hugged Jessica and both were overjoyed for their baby's first kicks.

Evan pulled back and once again placed his hand on Jessica's belly. He brought his face close to her belly and said. "Hello, little one. I'm your daddy. I can't wait to meet you."

Jessica's heart melted as she watched this sweet moment. She wiped her tears away then she gently caressed Evan's cheeks with the palms of her hands.

She then brought Evan's face upward to meet her lips. She kissed him with such love and passion.

Jessica then pulled away and said. "I love you so much, Evan Peters."
Evan smiled and brought a hand up to her cheek. "I love you too, Jessica. With all my heart."

Their moment was then cut short by the ringing of the house phone.

Jessica stood up to answer it. She picked up the receiver from its cradle and said. "Hello."
"Jessica, it's Phil." He said in a panicked voice. "Emily was rushed to the hospital."
"Oh no! What happened?" Jessica asked worriedly.
"Emily started having contractions." Phil said. "Michael rushed her over to the hospital. I just got here and I'm waiting in the waiting room for news."
"We'll be right over, Phil." Jessica said. "We're on our way."

Phil then told them what hospital they were in. It was the same Danny used to work in.

Jessica hung up and told Evan what was going on. Evan went into panic mode and Jessica had to take a moment to calm him down.

Once Evan was okay, they changed out of their pajamas and into some clothes.

After getting dressed, Jessica grabbed her car keys then they were on their way.

They reached the hospital and Evan held onto Jessica's hand as they walked towards the entrance.

Jessica led the way when they entered the hospital. She knew the way to where Phil was.

They found Phil a few short minutes later and he stood up from the chair he was sitting in. He had a worried look on his face.

Jessica greeted him with hug then asked. "How is she? How's the baby?"
Phil sighed and said. "Michael came out to let me know that the doctor gave Emily some medication to stop the contractions. If this works then she should be okay...if not, then there is risk she will lose the baby."

Jessica gasped and tears formed in her eyes. "Oh, no!"
"Yeah, now, it's just a waiting game." Phil said.

Evan stood back; he wasn't good at these types of situations. He was really worried about his little sister.

Jessica gently grabbed Evan's hand and led to a seat. She sat next to him and comforted him the best she could.

Phil sunk into the seat on the other side of Evan and he too tried to comfort Evan.

The minutes ticked by and they waited impatiently. All sending up prayers for Emily and the baby.

"Jessica?" A voice said as it broke through Jessica's thoughts.
Jessica looked up and smiled. "Maggie! Oh my goodness, hi."

Maggie was the head nurse of the hospital and she was Danny's top nurse who would help him in the E.R. She knew Jessica well but since Danny's death, she hadn't seen Jessica.

Jessica stood up and greeted Maggie with a hug. Maggie hugged Jessica back and when they pulled apart, Maggie took a better look at Jessica.

"Oh my!" She said in shock. "You're pregnant!"
Jessica nodded. "I am. 15 weeks." She replied.
"Awe, congratulations." Maggie said. "So, what brings you around here? Are you and the baby okay?"
"Yes, were fine." Jessica replied. "It's just that my sister in law is in the hospital. She's 11 weeks pregnant. She was having contractions and the doctors are trying to stop them."

"Oh no. I'm sorry to hear." Maggie said. "Wait...sister in law?"
"I got married again." Jessica said. She moved closer to Evan and said. "This is Evan. My husband and this is my father in law, Phil."

Maggie shook Evan's hand then Phil's hand. She then looked at Jessica and said. "Again, congratulations. You deserve to be happy, Jessica and I can see that you are. However I'm sorry about the situation that brought you here. What's your sister in law's name?"
"Emily Roberts." Jessica replied.

Maggie nodded and gave a small smile. "I'm going to make sure she has the best care here. I'll take over her care as her nurse and I'll keep you guys updated."
"Thank you, Maggie." Jessica said as she hugged Maggie once again.
"You're very welcome, Jessica." Maggie said. "Danny was one of our best doctors here. He was wonderful man and human being. Even though he's not here, you can remember that you have family here."
Jessica's tears rolled down her cheeks and gave Maggie a small smile. "Thank you so much."

Maggie smiled then she squeezed Jessica's hand then she was on her way to take care of Emily.

Jessica sat down and told Evan and Phil more about Maggie. They listened intently but they were still worried about Emily.

Soon, silence fell over them and they resumed their praying.

Michael came out a few times to let everyone know that Emily was stable at the moment and the contractions had stopped. However, there was a new worry. The baby's heart was beating too slow. Michael then left back to Emily's room to be with her.

Jessica sat mindlessly rubbing her belly. The baby kicking gently within her womb.

An hour later, which was now 11 pm, Maggie came back to update Jessica, Phil and Evan.

Jessica saw her face and saw an emotionless mask. She couldn't tell if the news was good or bad.

"Phil, Evan...Jessica." Maggie said. "I am so so sorry, but the baby's heart has stopped beating."

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