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Once the reception was over, Sarah, Lily, Emily and Phil plus a few others, helped clean up.

Jessica and Evan thanked everyone then they took off to the beach house where they would spend their honeymoon. They would be staying for a week.

Jessica drove them to the beach house. They talked and listened to Fleetwood Mac the whole drive.

Once they arrived, they grabbed their suitcases and walked into the house. Lola followed close behind.

They got settled then changed into pajamas. Jessica served them some wine and they sat by the fireplace in the living room.

Jessica had turned on the fireplace and turned on some music before sitting next to Evan.

Evan didn't like the taste of the wine so he placed his glass down.

"I'm sorry Evan." Jessica said.
"It's okay." Evan said. "I never had tried that before but now we know, I don't like it." He chuckled.

Jessica giggled then relaxed in Evan's arms. She sipped her wine as she and Evan talked about what they should do next.

They decided on playing checkers. Jessica set up the game and they played a few rounds.

Evan won the last round and he cheered. Jessica laughed and said. "Good job, Evan."
"Thanks!" Evan said excitedly. "You did good job too though." Evan then yawned.

"Tired?" Jessica said.
"Yeah..." he replied with another yawn. "I couldn't sleep last night because I was so excited and nervous about today. I'm beat." He chuckled.
"Well, lets get to bed then." Jessica smiled.

Jessica held Evan's hand as they walked upstairs to their bedroom.

That night, nothing happened between Evan and Jessica. They just held each other and relished the feeling of being wrapped in each other's arms.

"Wow! I can't believe we're married." Said Evan with a smile. "I have never been happier. Thank you for making me the luckiest man in the world! I love you, Jess."
Jessica looked into Evan's eyes and said. "I love you too."

They kissed each other then they slowly drifted off to sleep.

The next morning, Jessica cooked breakfast for them. They sat outside on the patio and enjoyed the morning.

Throughout the day, Jessica and Evan spent it cuddled up with each other and making out. They were still getting familiar with each other and were just wanting to take their time before getting intimate.

The next day, things went about the same. They had a picnic on the beach and they built sandcastles.

Lola joined them and once they finished eating, Evan played with Lola by running with her along the beach and playing catch with a frisbee.

Jessica smiled at her new husband and just enjoyed how pure and right the moment was.

Jessica built a bonfire and set up things to make s'mores.

After having some fun, Lola rushed over to Jessica and laid beside her on the picnic blanket.

Evan ran over and sat down. He was out of breath but he smiled wide. He leaned forward and kissed Jessica's lips. He pulled away and pulled Jessica into his arms.

Jessica and Evan then relaxed and they watched the sun go down. It was a pretty amazing sight. Jessica felt so at peace.

After the sun went down, they made some their s'mores and sat quietly in comfortable silence.

Once they had their fill of yummy s'mores, they packed up everything from their picnic. Jessica extinguished the fire then they made their way back to the house.

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