Second Chance

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*Two Weeks Later*

Jessica was at the end of her eighth month; also things with Evan had gotten better.

Phil had been talking to Evan and Evan was able to voice his fears to Phil. Phil told Evan that when Julie was pregnant with Evan, that he too was scared. He was afraid of failing as father and not being able to protect him.

Evan realized that maybe all soon to be fathers had the exact same fears as he did. Evan began to feel better and whenever he felt himself slipping into negative thoughts, he would go straight to Phil.

Jessica's pregnancy was going well and the baby was still growing with each passing day. Also, the baby was a lot more active than before.

Jessica was getting very uncomfortable now and she was beginning to tire a lot more. She wouldn't be able to get much sleep at night due to the baby's constant movements and kicks. Also the many trips to the bathroom were even more frustrating.

During the day, Jessica would dose off. She would be at the bookstore or at home and she would just fall asleep.

Sarah of course became a huge help and took over the store. Jessica thanked her and cried. As she neared the end of her pregnancy, she became much more emotional. Any little thing would set her off.

"You're such a good friend, Sarah!" Jessica sobbed into her hands. "I don't know what I would do without you."
"Awe, Jessica." Sarah said as she held Jessica close.

They were upstairs in Jessica's office and employee lounge. They were sitting on the sofa and were on a short break.

"You've been taking up my slack for the past few months and I...I feel bad." Jessica said. "This is my store and...and I'm just so useless right now. I can't even take care of it!"

"Jessica! Do not say that." Sarah said comfortingly.

Sarah knew how much more sensitive Jessica was now due to the pregnancy and she tried to comfort her the best way she could.

"Jess, you are anything but useless. You've opened this store on your own. Sure, Danny helped, but it was all you! Sure, you did need some help when Danny passed away, but you came back and kept this bookstore open."

Jessica continued to cry because Sarah's words were helping her feel better now. But instead of tears of sadness, they were tears of happiness to have a friend like Sarah.

"You are a strong woman, Jessica Phillis Lange Huston Peters." Sarah said. Jessica chuckled at her long name. She didn't want to let Huston go so she kept Danny's last name as a tribute.

"You've been through a lot in the last few years. But now, you've married the most sweetest and caring man there is." Sarah placed a hand on Jessica's belly and continued. "You found happiness and now you and Evan are going to welcome a baby girl into the world soon! And still, this store is still going strong and is very successful. Thanks to you! Sure I've helped out, but in the end, you are the glue that holds this store together."

Jessica sobbed once again and threw herself into Sarah's arms.

" are the best Sarah!!!!" Jessica sobbed. "You have been by my side for all these years. Thank you for sticking by me and helping me throughout the most darkest time in my life. I love you, Sarah!"

Sarah had tears in her eyes as she held Jessica in her arms. "Jess, please don't cry." She said with emotion in her voice. "And, I love you too."
"Sarah, I...I can't help it." Jessica sobbed some more. "The tears won't stop."

"Awe..." Sarah said with a small chuckle. "Those pregnancy hormones really got to you, huh?"
Jessica nodded, pouted and said. "I want to be normal again, Sarah!"

Sarah couldn't help but laugh.
"Sarah Catharine Paulson!!! Don't laugh at me!" Jessica cried.
"Okay, okay!" Sarah chuckled as she rocked Jessica back and forth. "I won't laugh at you anymore."

It was quiet for a few minutes when Jessica finally calmed down. Jessica sat up and wiped her tears away, still having the sniffles.

Sarah handed her some tissues and Jessica thanked her and took them into her hand. She then wiped her face and nose.

"Thank you again, Sarah. I really appreciate all you've done for me." Jessica said.
"You're very welcome." Sarah said. "Jess, you are like a sister to me and I'll always be right by your side."

"'re going to make me cry again." Jessica said, her voice cracking.
"No, no! Don't cry!" Sarah said. "Okay, I will not be by your side. You're not like a sister to me and I can't stand you." She said jokingly.

Jessica stared at Sarah for a moment then she burst out laughing. Sarah joined her and they both had a moment of laughter.

Jessica was feeling much better and she sat back, putting her hands on her belly. The baby kicking away.

"So, how's Emma doing?" Jessica asked.

Emma wasn't scheduled for the day and had the day off.

"How's the baby?" She also asked. Jessica had been told about Emma's pregnancy last week.

Sarah smiled and said. "She's doing well. She just entered her second month. The baby is growing each day. Oh Jess! I can't believe Emma asked us to adopt her baby. She came to us with the idea. After much discussion, we agreed. Lily and I will finally be parents!"

"I'm so happy for you and Lily." Jessica said. "You're going to be amazing parents."

"We had to talk to the father of the baby." Sarah said. "He needed to sign his parental rights away. At first, I thought he was going to fight us, give us trouble and not allow us to adopt the baby. But, he told Emma and us that he wanted nothing to do with the baby. He grabbed a pen, not bothering to read and just signed. After it was over, he stood up and left without looking back."

"I'm glad. From what you have told me, that guy is bad news." Jessica said. "Emma deserves so much better."

After some time, it was back to work. The day went by smoothly. Jessica still felt sluggish but she pushed through.

Jessica returned home around 5:30 pm and found that Evan had cooked dinner.

"It smells so good in here." Jessica said as she walked into the kitchen.

Evan turned around from the stove and smiled at Jessica. He walked over to her and kissed her lips

"How was your day, Jess?" Evan asked. "Come on sit down. Dinner is ready."

Jessica took a seat at the kitchen table. Evan began serving the food onto plates as Jessica told Evan about her day. Evan soon joined her and both enjoyed their meal.

After dinner, Evan cleaned the kitchen and put everything away.

Jessica still sat at the kitchen table and kept him company. As she watched Evan, she couldn't help but smile, her heart feeling full.

She had been through the worst pain there was of losing the love of her life. But now, even though she missed Danny with all her heart, she felt so lucky to have had a second chance of finding love again.

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