Chapter 7: Time For a Break

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Shawna's POV

"Goodnight Illinois!" I waved and exited the stage.

Everyone was clapping backstage. The end of our first leg on the tour. It wasn't a long break, but it was enough for me to get some rest and see my family.

"Good show," Derek hugged me.

"You too! See you in a week," I smiled.

"See you then," he waved.

I changed quickly and Alfredo, Scooter, and I headed straight for the airport. I was so excited to see Justin and the kids. I couldn't help but smile at the thought of all of them.

"You excited?" Scooter asked.

"Oh yes, it's time for a break. And I can't wait to see my kiddos and my man."

"Same, except my girl." Scooter winked.

I smiled and curled up in the seat. When I woke up we were home. The fans gave me a warm welcome and although it was November it was hot and I was peeling off my clothes.

When we got inside I saw the familiar golden brown hair and his adorable smile. My beautiful children were right next to him.

I ran to them and hugged Justin. He picked me up and twirled me around.

"Oh I missed you," he held my head against him.

"I missed you too," I kissed him.

He set me down and I hugged Jessica so tightly. She squeezed me.

"Mommy I missed you!!!" She said.

"I missed you too princess," I kissed her.

"There's my baby Carter!" I picked him up from his car seat and kissed his sweet chubby cheeks. He giggled and I hugged him.

"Look at you, so handsome!" I smiled.

I hugged Jessica and Justin. The four of us were reunited and I couldn't be happier. We went to the car and drove home. I cuddled with my family and watched movies. It was a good day. We stayed in for dinner but Justin ordered pizza.

"Shawna, after dinner I need to talk to you." Justin said.

"I'm going to give the kids a bath, then we can talk okay?" I smiled and rested my hand on his lap.

"Yeah that's fine," he gave me a weak smile.

I carried Carter upstairs and bathed him first, I put him in his crib and read to him while he fell asleep. I bathed Jessica and we talked about the time she spent with Justin and how much she loved Carter and how much she missed me.

I tucked her into bed and read her a story as well. I went downstairs and sat beside Justin on the couch. He grabbed my hand and looked down.

"What's wrong baby?" I lifted his chin so he was looking into my eyes.

"I have to tell you something, something I have regretted since it happened."

"What is it babe?" I said.

"I cheated on you," he started crying.

I felt the tears burning my eyes and I let go of his hands. He looked up at me and I chewed on my finger nails to try and understand what he was telling me.

"But I didn't mean to-"

I held my finger up to silence him.

"You told me you would never cheat. I don't care if you were drunk, high, sober I don't care. You broke a promise, a commitment, a vow."

New Beginnings (Sequel to: It's Complicated)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz