Chapter 14: Trying to Escape My Own Thoughts

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I woke up against Justin and he was sleeping still. I touched his lips lightly and I kissed him. He woke up and smiled.

"Wake me up like that more often," he smiled and kissed me.

I smiled and laid back in bed. I wrapped the sheets around me and went into the bathroom. I turned on the hot water and stepped inside the shower. I let the water soak my sore, tired body.

When I got out i dried my hair and put on makeup. I put on some leggings, a gray sweater, and some tan uggs. We went to the theater for rehearsals and warm ups.

The babies were playing around the seats but Carter was backstage in a play pen. Justin and I didn't get a lot done, he'd make me life and I'd get sidetracked, then he'd end up chasing me around and tackled me with hugs and kisses.

The show was about to start and Justin and I stood backstage.

"It's good to see you smiling," Justin wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

"I shouldn't be so sad about it, I should be happy that I knew her. I was so lucky to have known such an amazing little girl."

He kissed my head, "you're so beautiful. Inside and out."

I smiled. I watched as the audience got into their seats. I warmed up with Justin, our vocals were amazing together and I was so excited to share the stage with him.

Scooter took some pictures of us and then Alfredo went out to the crowd to take pictures of the show. We entered the stage and the crowd cheered.

Justin and I sat down on our stools and he played guitar while we both sang. It was an acoustic show and it felt really nice to just have our vocals be the main thing.

"This next song is for a very special person, who is close to my heart." I said. "It's for Jessie. I don't know if anyone heard, but she lost her battle yesterday and its been really difficult for me, but I owe this song to her," Justin rubbed my back. "It's called My Everything by the beautiful Ariana Grande."

The crowd cheered and the lights went low. I sang the song alone and it felt so powerful. I was in tears but I kept singing. The crowd was going crazy at the end of it and I smiled and wiped my tears.

"Good job baby," Justin kissed me.

"Thank you," I smiled.

We did a few more songs and then the show was over. After the show we all went out for hot chocolate, as we did every Christmas Eve.

"It's Christmas!!" Alfredo cheered.

"MERRY CHRISTMAS!" We all cheered.

We went back to Bruce and Diane's and we put the kids to bed. Justin and I laid down in bed.

"Thank you for today," I said.

"What do you mean?"

"I really needed to laugh, and forget about reality for a little while. I needed to escape my own thoughts. It seems like when I'm with you, you help me forget for a little while. It's just us against the world," I smiled.

He kissed me and I laid my head on his chest. We laid there and talked for a little while and fell asleep around 2:00 am. I woke up to Jessie's giggle and smiles.

"Merry Christmas! Santa came," she smiled even bigger.

I went to the other room where all the babies slept and I picked Carter up. Everyone went downstairs and the house was filled with the wonderful scents of Christmas morning breakfast. We watched as Jessie and Cody opened presents. I gave Carter his presents and he could barely hold them. Justin and I got him mostly bigger clothes and some teething toys.

After all the Christmas fun, I went on my new iPhone 6+ and posted a picture of Jessie and I. 'Miss you sweet girl, Merry Christmas. hope you get everything you want. love you so much'

Justin sat beside me and wrapped his arm around me.

"You doing okay?" He asked.

"I'm hanging in there," I smiled slightly. "I appreciate you a lot."

"I love you," he kissed me. "I'm always here for you."

"Who wants to watch The Grinch Who Stole Christmas?" Diane asked.

"Meeee!" Jessica cheered.

everyone sat down on the big couch and we watched the movie.


"Thanks for visiting, have fun in New York!" Diane hugged us.

"Thank you," I smiled. "We'll see you next year."

"Bye Shawna, good to see you!" Bruce hugged me.

"Bye, great seeing you too!"

The nine of us piled into the car and drove to the airport.

"How are you doing today?" Pattie patted my thigh.

"I'm doing great, I'm actually very happy. I miss Jessie a lot, but I realized I can't be too sad about it. I had the pleasure of knowing this amazing little girl and I will forever be inspired," I smiled.

"There you go, I knew your positivity was in there somewhere!" Pattie winked.

I smiled. When we got to the airport we were rushed to the plane as quickly as possible. Fans were violent here, considering its Justin's home town. When we got in the plane we all sat down.

I watched the peaceful sky as the plane lifted off the ground and into the clouds. It was calm and beautiful. I put in both my headphones and blasted music, zoning the whole world out.

When we arrived in New York there was twice as much fans, that were twice as pushy. I was getting claustrophobic and one of the guards put me on his shoulders and we walked through.

"You okay?" He asked when he set me down by the car.

"Yeah I'm good, sometimes it gets a little uncontrollable."

"Take it easy," he smiled and walked away.

We all piled into another car and drove to the hotel. Finally some open space. We're staying in New York until January 2nd, so for a week. Jessica played with Carter while Justin and I ate some lunch and cuddled on the couch.

"You ready for that New Year's Eve performance?" Justin nudged me.

"Yeah," I smiled. "I'm excited!"

"It's going to be great, I'm excited for you."

I frowned and laid on him.

"What's wrong?"

"When we get back I leave for three months."

"Well let's just spend the next three days together and make them the best," Justin kissed my head.


Author's Note:

Sorry it's a short and boring chapter!

New Beginnings (Sequel to: It's Complicated)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz