Chapter 35: The Way You Look At Me

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Shawna's POV

"Chace," I laughed as he chased me around with the hose while we washed our cars. "Stop it!"

I stopped at the bucket of water and threw the sponge at him, soap exploded and he laughed as he soaked me some more. I grabbed the whole bucket and dumped it over his head. His messy hair fell straight down and covered his eyes. I walked over to him and moved his hair out of his face. I kept my hands on his forehead and kissed his wet lips.

"You look cute like that," I laughed.

"Like what?" He said.

I pushed his hair back in his face and he quickly whipped it over. He wrapped his arms around my back and I put my hands on his cheeks as I laughed.

"Kiss me," he whispered.

I looked into his beautiful blue eyes and kissed his soft lips. I looked back up at him and he stood me up straight. I kept my hands on his chest and still looked in his eyes.

"Stop," he whispered.

"What?" I asked.

"The way you look at me," he smiled. "It's killing me."

I smiled and bit my lip. He put his thumb under my lip and kissed me again. My phone rang and interrupted the cute moment.

"Hello?" I answered.

"This is Jacob, I am a paramedic and I was just at the scene of your husband's car crash. I figured we should call you."

"Wait what?" I got myself out of Chace's grip. "Car crash? What happened?"

"Justin was in a head on collision with a semi truck, it wasn't Justin's fault though."

"Is he okay?" I felt my heart beating fast and my stomach was in knots.

"He's on his way to the hospital, it's critical."

"Oh my gosh," I started to cry. "I'll be there right away."

I hung up.

"Shawna, what's going on?" Chace asked me as I got in the car.

"Take my kids to Scooter's," I said as tears streamed down my face. "Justin was in an accident."

Chace nodded and I drove off. I got to the first stop light out of our neighborhood and saw a semi with a car in pieces beside it. It was red and I knew Justin's car was red.

I pulled over and got out. I walked over to the firemen cleaning up.

"Was Justin in this accident?" I asked one of them.

"Justin Bieber? Yeah. He's on his way to the hospital."

"Is he okay? Do you know?"

"We was completely underneath the semi and was being crushed by his car, he'd be lucky if he was still alive."

My heart stopped and I ran to my car, crying. I got in the car and started to drive. I couldn't see from the blur of my eyes and when I finally got to the hospital I parked my car and ran inside.

I looked around and finally saw a nurse. I ran to her.

"Where's Justin?" I could barely speak.

"Ma'am calm down," she said. "He's not here yet."

"Where is he?" I wanted to scream.

"He's five minutes out."

I paced around and when nurses rushed to the emergency entrance I knew he had arrived. When they wheeled him past me it was as if the world had slowed down. He was unrecognizable. His body torn up and bruised, his face was scratched to the point I could barely see his perfect skin, he had a tube down his throat and I couldn't breathe.

New Beginnings (Sequel to: It's Complicated)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz