Chapter 28: Our Love

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Shawna's POV

After a long week I finally have a show tonight. Justin and I were FaceTiming as we have been everyday since I got to Australia.

"So is Derek keeping his space?" Justin asked as I ate a bowl of cereal.

"I told him to. He hasn't talked to for three days."

"Good," Justin said.

I glared at Justin.

"What?" Justin said. "No one should be getting that close to you unless it's me."

"For one, you cheated on me. And for two, I would never do the same to you. It hurts like hell to get cheated on. Derek is my best friend."

"Well your best friend gets a little too close with someone who's not even his. He should respect our relationship."

"He does Justin," I said. "He's not what you think."

"Yes he is," Justin laughed. "I'm just protecting you Shawna. Our love means a lot to me."

"It means a lot to me too. Derek isn't a threat to me. He's fine. But I understand where you're coming from."

"What did you even tell him? I'm fine with you guys talking but no touching the way he did."

"That was for a photo shoot. And I told him that he needs to respect us and give me some space. He was getting more touchy so I pushed him away. Then we got in a huge argument about you breaking my heart and then he stormed out."

I left out the part where Derek admitted he loved me. Justin didn't need to hear that. Of course I didn't feel the same way but I just didn't want Justin to get even more defensive.

"Well just talk to him," Justin said. "Make things better. But I want him to respect us."

"He will," I said. "I'll make sure of it."

"Okay. I love you Shawna!"

"I love you too. I gotta get ready and then go to the hospital and get tested to make sure I can dance tonight. Talk to you soon."

"Okay, talk to you later tonight."

I hung up and got ready. When I was finished I went to the doctor's. They cleared me for dancing and I headed straight to the arena. It was outdoor and it was huge. My dancers met me there and we rehearsed for a few hours.

During the meet and greet I had a headache but I tried to distract myself with my fans. They were all so loving and they all had accents. I loved it!

After soundcheck my head was pounding.

"You doing okay?" Scooter asked me.

"My head hurts pretty bad," I said.

"Probably from all the noise. Take some Advil, and if it keeps bugging you we can postpone your show."

"We're not postponing anything. I will be fine," I smiled.

I took some Advil and Stephanie got me ready. I put on the first costume. It was super hot in Australia so I had a feeling I'd be performing in mostly a bedazzled sports bra and a skirt but I put on the long sleeve, pants, costume.


I headed to the stage. The crowd roared with life as my lights danced around them. I laughed and smiled and sang and danced. It was a great show filled with so much energy and love.

"You guys are amazing," I said toward the end. "Thank you for giving me all your energy. It really means a lot to me to see that so many people enjoy my music."

I looked into the front row and saw a girl crying and smiling.

"Hey sweetie," I sat down in front of her and dangled my feet off the edge of the stage.

"Hi," she smiled.

"What's your name?"

"Amelia," she smiled.

"Well Amelia, why don't you come join me onstage?"

She looked so shocked as the security guard helped her up. I took her phone from her hand. I turned it on front facing and switched it onto video.

"Hey Amelia! It's Shawna and this amazing crowd," I showed the camera on the screaming fans. "I just wanted to say I love you. Keep smiling and stay beautiful!"

I ended the video and then my next song started. Amelia and I danced around the stage as I sang to her. I took selfies with her on her phone and after the song was over she went back into the audience.

I enjoyed interacting with them and making them feel special. It was an amazing feeling. After the show I went offstage and changed.

When I got out of the dressing room I saw Derek walking with Alex and Anthony.

"Derek!" I called, he kept walking with them.

Scooter came over and put his arm around my shoulder.

"Good show tonight," Scooter said.

"Thank you," I smiled slightly.

I watched as Derek walked further and further away.

"Go talk to him," Scooter said. "He's been avoiding you all week. Did something happen?"

"Yeah," I said.

I started to run after him. I got in front of Derek and he walked around me.

"Derek," I said. "What the hell?"

The three of them stopped walking. Derek turned around.

"Why have you been avoiding me all week?" I asked.

"Maybe because that's what you wanted," he said.

"No that's not what I wanted. I just wanted you to respect that I have a relationship with Justin and things are amazing right now. I can't mess things up with him again. You're my best friend Derek."

"That's the problem," he said. "I don't want to be your best friend. I want to be yours. I can't have that so we just can't be friends."

"DEREK WE ARE BEST FRIENDS!" I yelled. "I tell you everything! You cannot walk away from this friendship because you're in love w-" he smashed his lips into mine gently and kissed me passionately. He placed his hand on my chin and looked into my eyes when he pulled away.

"I can't be around you without wanting to do that," he said. "Just give me some time to get over you please."

"Fine," I said quietly.

He walked away after giving me a long hug. I went back inside and called my baby. We talked for hours and I loved it. I was deeply in love with Justin. Our love is powerful and meaningful, it's crazy and risky but we make it work and we will always make it work.

New Beginnings (Sequel to: It's Complicated)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz