The King And His Illegitimate Son

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"Daddy tell us a story!" Lily demanded.

Arthur chuckled as sat down on Lily's bed."Again? I just told ya one."

She folded her arms and pouted."Please."

"Alright, alright, what do you wanna hear?"

"The story about Princess Lorna and King Arthur - c'mon Willie." 

William leapt off his bed and slid in bed with Lily. Arthur tucked them both in snugly, knowing full well they'd end up falling asleep before he was done with the story. 


They both nodded."Ready Daddy."

"Once upon a time in a land far far away, England I believe, there was this King named Arthur. He was a mean ol' cuss, but he was good to his people - just really sad and lonely. Well one day, he met a beautiful Princess named Lorna. He fell in love with her right on the spot and asked her to marry him. She said yes of course and they had a big beautiful wedding over the English channel. She wore a beautiful blue dress and he wore his finest attire. He even took a bath for the occasion."

Lily and William giggled."Then what?"

Arthur cleared his throat."Well ya see, his mean streak ended once he and the Princess were married. But his actions from his mean streak caught up to him and he got real sick. He almost died. But he had a family to protect; his now Queen and their daughter, Princess Lily."

Lily gasped and sat up."Then what?"

"Lay back down." He cooed, easing her back down in bed.

He scratched the side of his nose and shrugged."Well then somethin' magical happened. He got better - it took some time, but he got better. He, the Queen and the Princess moved around a lot from one castle to another, until they finally settled in the Kingdom of Blackwater. The King decided that would be their forever home, so he and the Duke of Edinburgh built a huge castle, bigger than the one he grew up in. Then the King and the Queen had a Son named William and he grew to be a great conqueror, him and Lancelot."

"Did they live happily ever after?"

Arthur nodded."Of course. King Arthur and Queen Lorna, Prince William and Princess Lily. Even the Duke and Duchess and their two children."

"Did they like their new home?"

"Mhm and the townsfolk loved them all."

Lily smiled as her eyes began to flutter closed; William was already fast asleep in the crook of her arm. Arthur kissed them both then doused the lamp on the nightstand. He stood and left their shared room, shutting the door quietly behind him. 

Lorna and AJ were sitting in the living room, sipping cider by the roaring fire. Arthur grabbed a mug and took a seat beside Lorna, who leaned against his arm.

"How'd the story go?"

"Oh ya know, Kings and Queens livin' happily ever after."

Lorna smiled.

AJ smiled too."Sounds like an interesting story."

"Just a little somethin' I came up with."

"Yeah it's loosely based off our lives." 

"Have you ever thought about writing a story?"

Arthur scoffed."I wouldn't know the first thing about doin' that."

"Well," AJ set down his mug down on the table."If you want, I...I can help you figure it out. People are always looking for good stories like that."

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