Family Ties

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After their unsuccessful fishing trip, they headed back to the ranch - each sporting a smile on their face. They both learned a lot about the other one while they waited for the fish to bite, which never came unfortunately. But to ease the guilt and possible scrutiny, they stopped at the market on the way home and bought a dozen fish for supper. 

It brought back a memory that Arthur was very fond of and he casually mentioned it in passing, which made AJ laugh. It made Arthur laugh too. It always did.

Not much of his life was worth remembering or smiling about, but that was something he always wanted to remember. 

"So you talk an awful lot about Hosea and Dutch. Do you miss them?"

Arthur heaved a sigh."....Yes and no. I miss the good times we had together, but I don't think I miss the troubles we got into. And the troubles mostly outweighed the good times we had."

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be. Going through all that made me a better man - taught me a lot of things I refused to learn on my own."

"Like what?" AJ asked, adjusting the bundle of fish over his shoulder.

"How not to be an asshole," He snorted."I haven't quite mastered that yet, but I'm trying."

AJ smiled."What else?"

"How to live my life. I always thought livin' life was a certain way and the other way was equivalent to the Devil. But it ain't. You can live that way but on your terms. That's what Dutch failed to mention to us all."

"What's the other way of life?"

"Being civilized, not breakin' the law, paying for things instead of stealin' things. Dutch made it seem like it was us against them and that's how we felt."

AJ shook his head, exhaling a breath."That's a terrible way to live."

"I realize that now, but back then, we all thought we was in the right. Dutch had a way with words - it could make you feel good, yet, really bad at the same time."

"I'm guessing actions didn't match?"

Arthur scoffed."Never."

The only time Dutch's actions matched his words, was when Jack was kidnapped by the Braithwaite's and held for ransom by Bronte. But even then, things didn't go according to plan. Especially when he killed him.

Arthur still couldn't fathom the situation and it'd been ten years since. He guessed the betrayal and deceit played a big role in his denial, though he should've expected it from Dutch. 

"I'm sorry if I brought up a sore subject, I was just curious."

"No you're fine. I need to talk about it or it stays inside my head an' I get bitter." 

AJ frowned."I'm like you in many ways. If I don't talk about it with people I trust, I get angry and turn bitter. I actually went to a therapist-"

"A what?"

"A therapist. It's been around since the time of the Egyptians, but it's becoming a popular occupation," He stuck his hands in his pockets."It's like talking with an old friend, except they don't judge you and they try to bring you inner peace."

"Did it help?"

"Somewhat. I think finding you was really all the therapy I needed."

Arthur blushed."Ya think so?"

"Well yeah," He shrugged."I was bitter because I had so many questions about me, but my parents refused to tell me. They instead turned to a good friend for help and he convinced them to have a talk with me. We had weekly sessions and he gave me some good advice - helpful advice. But I still had questions that went unanswered."

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