Fatherhood, For Idiots II

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They found a nice little pond through the meadow and over the train tracks, which wasn't too far from the ranch, but not too close either. The kids didnt really care where it was, as long as they learned how to fish.

Arthur found a couple crickets in the dirt and showed them both how to bait the hook. Lily seemed a little sad that the cricket would have to die, but still willing to learn. William was simply intrigued by the cricket.

"Cast it out like this," He swung his arm."When it lands in the water, point the rod down toward the ground an' slowly bring it back up. Makes it look good to the fish."

Lily nodded as she observed the pole. William held on to her hand tightly, while shading his eyes from the sun.

Arthur dug a hole in the ground and set the pole inside, then made himself comfortable. Lily and William plopped down beside him and stared at the pole, waiting.

"How long does it take, daddy?" Lily asked.

"A while. Sometimes all day."

"Really, that long?" She huffed."I hope mommy isn't worried."

"No she isn't worried, she knows I took ya out. Mommy isn't feelin' too good right now, so we're gonna stay out of her hair until she feels better."

"Was mommy sick when she was having me and Willie?"

He nodded."Yeah, but she got really sick with you."


"I ain't too sure, sweetheart," He shrugged his shoulders."I guess that's a question for your momma."

"I'll ask her when she's better."

William sighed and rested his head against Arthur's arm. He looked down with a smile, but was suddenly reminded of a moment in his life a very long time ago. He swallowed thickly and looked out at the pond.

Isaac - even after all these years, he still weighed heavy in his mind and heart. He would've been eighteen years old come this fall and to make matters worse, William looked just like him.

It was something that was never discussed between him and Lorna, as some things were best forgotten or left unsaid.

This also reminded him of a time well spent with the boy. He was about four or five and was into everything, so Eliza begged Arthur to take him camping for the night until he did.

He was terrified of being alone with him and having such responsibilities, but it made him feel good about himself. He decided to teach the boy how to fish and hunt, though he wasn't at all interested in what Arthur had to say, as the bugs and birds seemed to catch his attention more.

"Taught two little boys to fish once."

"Who, daddy?"

"Your cousin Jack and...your older brother, Isaac."

Lily's brows furrowed and William's nose scrunched. They looked as if he'd just spoken another language, but perhaps he had.

In all this time, he'd never spoken about Isaac to them, so naturally they wouldn't know. He also didn't want them to know what a fuck up he really was, but it was getting harder and harder to go on with the past weighing him down.

"I had a son, before I met your momma," He swallowed."He was a good boy."

"Where is he?" Lily questioned curiously.

"In heaven."

"What happened to him, daddy?"

Arthur looked down at the ground, wondering if this was a good idea. But he was their brother and they had every right to know about him.

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