You Can't Go Home Again

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Valentine N.H

The town of Valentine was a beautiful sight for everyone. The muddy shithole was their temporary home, though they were a bit on the outskirts of town. Dutch pointed everyone in the direction of their new camp, a place called Horseshoe over look. Everyone was eager to set up camp and resume their lives again.

The two new additions to their group, were an actual asset. They helped out more than everyone thought they would, now that they weren't tied up anymore. However, their trust was on a short leash, considering who they were.

Once they got to their new camp, Mrs. Grimshaw put the gang to work, the ladies especially. She was very hard on them when she wanted something done. But after they all worked their hides off to get the camp up and running, they were all rewarded with food, booze and a good time.

The party didn't really start until Jack went to bed, then everyone sat around the fire, some eating others drinking, while Javier played guitar and Uncle and Lenny told some stories. It was refreshing to be out in the open instead of huddled near the hearth of the cabin, wearing a ton of layers to keep warm.

Lorna was busy fixing up the tent she shared with Arthur now, when he walked inside a beer in hand. He sat down on the bed and rubbed his face.

"What?" Lorna asked, slipping the bottle out of his hand.

"I wasnt finished yet."

She took a quick sip, grimaced, then handed it back."You can keep it."

He chucked as a yawn escaped his lips."Cant believe I'm tired already."

"Well it is almost midnight and we've had a stressful couple of days." She stood in front of him."Let me rub your back. I got some new oils in town, I need a test subject."

"A test subject, huh?" He chuckled, scratching his chin."Sounds kinda dangerous."

She rolled her eyes."Its not. It'll be relaxing, trust me."

"Alright." He started unbuttoning his shirt, pausing briefly to pull the flaps of the tent down.

He laid down face first on the bed, his arms folded underneath his head. Lorna sat on his buttocks and opened her essential oils. Arthur glanced behind him and smiled tiredly.

"Kinda like you on the other side..dont trust ya behind me."

"You need to stop drinking." She smiled pouring some oil on his upper back."Alright now close your eyes and relax."

Arthur exhaled and closed his eyes. Lorna began rubbing his shoulders, kneading her thumbs into his shoulder blades. He moaned into the pillow.

"Goddamn... you have magic hands!"

She giggled."Dont say that too loud, they'll think I'm doing something weird."

He chuckled."Let 'em think what they want."

She massaged his shoulders, down his spine, eliciting some more moans from the outlaw beneath her. She smirked as she pushed her thumb into a particularly stubborn knot.

"Ahhh! Fuck!" Arthur yelled.

Lorna muffled her own laugh as she covered his mouth with her other hand. Arthur snickered and pulled her hand away, grimacing at the oil residue left on his lips. She used the back of her hand to wipe off his lips.


"Mhm." He nodded.

"So.." she began, moving her hands up to his shoulders."Mind telling me what Ring Dang Do is about?"

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