Troubles Within

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Later on that evening, Arthur and Charles rode back into camp a couple dollars richer. Neither looked too pleased, however, it was a long journey - they were beyond tired.

But before both men could even think of laying down for the night, Dutch beckoned them over to his tent. John and Hosea were already present.

"How'd it go at the trapper?" Dutch asked.

Arthur nodded."Good."

"Good." He smiled, then his face fell."We've heard some...not so good news about our lovely Irishmen."

It always amazed Arthur how Dutch can go from such a cheerful mood to a sullen mood in a matter of seconds.

"They are planning to ship Sean off to Sisika in the next few days, we either let them and get him out at a later time, or do it when there aren't very many men involved - that way we dont become wanted in the entire US of A."

"Where's he now? Still in Blackwater?" Arthur asked.

Dutch nodded."Yes. The military is holding him there. They still have the entire place on lockdown at night."

Arthur snorted.

"I think we should hit them before they take him into Sisika. That is a daring mission and we'll risk more lives trying to get him out." Hosea explained.

"I'm with Hosea on this one. Cant break somebody out of federal prison and just walk away from it." Arthur reasoned."Gotta do it before."

"If we go to Blackwater, we'll likely be killed. Remember, we're wanted there - dead or alive." Charles reminded.

"You'll sneak in then. I have an old friend whose helping us out as we speak."

Arthur's brow furrowed."Who?"

Dutch sat back in the wooden chair, a sly grin on his face."Josiah Trelawny."

"He's still alive?" Arthur laughed."Thought for sure he'd talk himself into an early grave by now."

"I met him in Valentine the other day, he said he'd heard about our...misfortunes and decided to help us out. He's in Blackwater now having a look around."

"So when will we know for sure?"

"Tomorrow. You, Charles and Hosea will ride out to Blackwater and meet up with John and Thomas-"

"What?" Arthur interjected."Nah, nu-uh-"

"Arthur." Dutch fixed him a glare.

"Why him?"

Dutch sighed."Because he's muscle, you all are entering forbidden territory, you'll need it."

"So naturally you got us meeting up with Mr. Fancy pants." Arthur gripped his gun belt.

"Just be friendly, Arthur. Dont kill him until we get Sean back."

Arthur rolled his eyes."I ain't makin' any promises."

Dutch chuckled and dismissed everyone from his tent so he could have some...alone time with Molly. Arthur, as well as the others, didnt hesitate to leave.

As he walked back to his tent, he saw the lantern was still on, which meant Lorna was still awake or she fell asleep with it on. But when he walked inside, he didnt see her or her things. There was, however, a letter laying on the bed. He picked it up and sat down.

Dear Arthur,

I went to the Doctor's today and he told me that I'm pregnant. I'm due in September. I guess I never put two and two together, because I was too afraid of what I might find out.

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