The New South

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Things have been a mess since our business took off. Dutch hit a bank back in Valentine, while Hosea and me were looking at a piece of land. Had the law looking for us again, but I imagine that'll never change.

We're hoping to talk to Dutch about all this, hopefully he'll come to his senses, but I doubt it. He has certainly gone off the rails and it's terrifying to watch. He used to be like a father to me, now I'm not so sure what he is.


He turned around just as Dutch entered the tent. Suddenly nervous, he offered the older man a seat, which he wordlessly accepted. Arthur closed his journal and shoved it back into his satchel. He was already stressed with the surprise visit and even more with the lack of communication.

He cleared his throat."So uh, Molly tell you I wanted to talk?"

He nodded."She did."

"I'm assumin' you wanted to or you wouldn't of come."

With his hat now slightly ajar, Dutch sat back folding his arms."I think...I think I've been too hard on you Arthur, but I see a lot of potential in you. This thing you've got going with Hosea, it won't last long, it's dirty business."

"I have a family, Dutch, I can't be thinkin' of myself no more." Arthur shook his head."This business we got, it's gonna get me the hell out of here."

Dutch's jaw clenched at the mention of Arthur leaving the gang. It's been said before but Dutch never entirely believed him, however now that Arthur and Lorna had a baby on the way, it was becoming obvious that Arthur was planning to book it. Fortunately for Arthur, he was able to follow through with a plan and that scared Dutch.

"You don't want to do that, Son, we're your family - we've all you got."

"That's where you're wrong Dutch, you ain't all I got. I got a family now, somethin' I've always wanted. I ain't willin' to risk messin' that up again."

The darkness behind Dutch's eyes were that of anger and sadness. Angry that he couldn't control him anymore and sadness for the son he was losing. Arthur felt the sadness creeping up inside of him, but, he couldn't dwell on that. It was time for him to grow up and it had to be now, not later.

Dutch leaned forward, groaning with each pop of his joints. His head hung low but he glanced up through dark lashes and nodded."You do what you have to Arthur, I-I know it's what you want and I am not going to stand in your way. Not again."

It wasn't what Arthur had been expecting, he'd expected the fight of his life. But he guessed Dutch realized he was losing this battle and it'd be wise to just accept it for what it was. The sadness was still present in his eyes as he stood, and Arthur was hesitant to let the older man embrace him, but when he did he felt the tension finally break.

"Uh listen." Arthur awkwardly shuffled his feet."Wanna go fishin' with me an' Hosea? Like old times?"

Dutch forced a smile."Sure, Son."


"Just a couple and their unruly son." Hosea chuckled.

Arthur rolled his eyes."Best let me row, you two ain't fit for this no more."

"Sure Arthur."

He climbed aboard the row boat and sat in the middle, Dutch in front of him and Hosea behind him. It felt like old times again, fishing just the three of them before Marston joined. After the threesome became a foursome, the fishing trips were less likely. John became Dutch's favorite and he spent most of his time with him, teaching him to read and write, shoot and thieve.

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