Favored Sons

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Two months later... 

Arthur woke from another dream, the same one he'd been having over and over since they got to the convent. It was always about the way they left things with Dutch - what if it hadn't of gone down the way it had? What if Arthur was shot and left for dead, what if John was too? 

It always sent a chill up and down his spine, remembering how close he came to death that night. He'd been close before, but never that close.

Lorna was up and knitting in the corner of the room, as Lily played at her feet. He sat up and coughed into his arm a couple times, spat into his handkerchief and stood up, stretching. This had become his daily routine for the last two months.

"Mornin." He offered.


They'd hit a rough patch in their marriage, which he knew sooner or later was going to happen. She wanted to live an honest life and that was the plan, they just had a few hurdles left. He didn't think she could ever forgive him though. 

He splashed some cool water on his face, then dried off with a freshly clean towel. He felt a tug on his long johns and looked down, only to see Lily standing up, using his leg for support. He chuckled and lifted her into his arms.

"How's my girl this mornin'?"

"Dada." She touched his face.

He smiled and kissed her head."Yes, I'm Dada."

"Dada, Dada." She babbled, as she explored his face with her wet hands.

"What're you knittin' there?" 

She heaved a sigh."I'm not really sure, I'm just going with it."

"Looks good."

"I guess." 

He placed Lily back down on the floor, so he could finish getting dressed for the day. Though there wasn't much they could do, aside from chop wood, tend to the animals and hunt.

They couldn't go into town anymore, because they were still wanted. If they ever needed something in town, they usually sent one or more of the ladies in. 

"Still mad at me?"

"No. Should I be?" 

He shrugged."You was mad the last few weeks, wouldn't even let me touch you."

Her face flushed and she looked down at her project."...Well I was mad, but I'm not anymore. I understand now and I'm sorry."

He glanced in the mirror and gave her a nod."Me too."

"What do you have to be sorry for?"

"For draggin' you into all this. It ain't right."

She stood up, placing her yarn on the table beside her. She walked up behind him and wrapped her arms around his middle, laying her head on his back.

"For better or worse, remember?"

He lifted his head and stared at his reflection in the mirror."I remember. I remember well, Darlin."

"I fell for you and accepted your life. That's what adults do."

"Reckon you're right." He turned around and wrapped his arms around her.

There was a sharp knock on their bedroom door and before anyone could say anything, it opened and Sadie peered inside. Lily squealed at the sight of her and began jumping.

"Hey sweetheart." She turned to Lorna and Arthur,"Well...they caught up with the rest of the O'Driscoll's. It's offical, they are dead. Apparently they was talkin' before they died though. They said there was a rat in the Van Der Linde gang and named some names."

The Last Love Of Arthur MorganWhere stories live. Discover now